Page 115 of You Broke Me First

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"Okay, Addison." Kelly smiled. "I'm dying to know if there's going to be an exclusive on MLB's newest hottest single recruit."

"Are you asking about Conner Pierce?" Addison asked. Kelly nodded. "He's on my list, but I haven't gotten him to commit to an interview yet."

"Darn." Kelly scowled, snapping her fingers. "For those of you who don't recognize this pretty face. This is Addison, and she runs the hottest sports gossip blog." Addison smiled, her cheeks flushed. "And the long-time girlfriend of the lucky man sitting beside her. So what's next for the blog?"

"Well, we have a special interview in line for next week to kick off baseball season, but I can't give away the details yet. So make sure you check in for updates."

"Okay, well, I'm sure the audience is dying to know what's going on with you two." She waved her finger between Addison and me.

Addison didn't know she was part of the show, and because of that, I couldn't ask her what she was willing to discuss on the show. And since our relationship was a huge part of her blog, I didn't want to give too much away. "Well, Addison is officially a resident of Florida."

"And are you two officially moved in together?"

"We are." Addison smiled.

"And we are officially redecorating the house."

"Will there be a nursery soon?" Kelly asked.

"No," Addison said a little too quickly. "We have a few more steps to take before we get there."

"Speaking of those steps," I said, flipping the box in my pocket again. "I have an announcement." Addison's gaze flicked to me as her eyes narrowed. "Well, actually, it's a question for Addison." I slid to the floor, kneeling on one knee in front of her. Her lips parted, and her eyes went wide. "Addison." My heart pounded so hard against my chest that I thought I might throw up before I got the question out. I had no reason to think she'd say no, but there was always that possibility that she wasn't ready yet. "I know without a doubt that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

I pulled the tiny box out and opened it to display the four-carat princess-cut diamond, saying a silent prayer she'd say yes.

She nodded, swallowing hard. "Yes," she choked out. "Yes, I will marry you." A happy tear streamed down her cheek as she held her hand out for me to put the ring on her finger.

"I love you, Addison, and I can't wait for you to be my wife." I slid the ring on her finger.

"I love you, too." She pulled me up to my feet and into a hug.

"Alright, girl," Kelly squealed. "Let us see that ring." I released her, twisting to the side so she could show off her ring. "Look at that rock, guys." Kelly looked at the ring and then turned it to show the cameras. "Congratulations, you two. I better get an invite to the wedding."

"Of course." I smiled.

"Well, that's all we have time for today." Kelly finished her sign-off and congratulated us again before we all said goodbye.

"I can't believe you did that," Addison said as we strolled towards the exit. "Did everyone know but me?"

"Everyone," Maddy squealed from behind us.

Addison whipped around. "Omigod, what are you doing here?" Addison threw her arms around Maddy.

"Maddox called me last week and filled me in, and I couldn't miss it."

Addison pulled out of the hug and twisted to face me. "You called Maddy?" I nodded. "Thank you." I nodded again.

I stood silently watching Addison and Maddy laugh and gawk over the ring and realized we'd managed to find our way back to each other after everything we'd gone through. I thought back to the night before she left for New York when she asked if I believed the saying 'What's meant to be will be.' I'd said yes then, and I still believed that today. Addison and I were truly meant to be. She was and will always be my person!
