Page 114 of You Broke Me First

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"Yeah, so?"

"So, why do you look so miserable?"

She was right. I was miserable. I didn't want to leave Maddox again. Even if we did make this work, I didn't want to be away from him. I also knew this was probably the only opportunity I would ever get as a sports anchor. "Because I had to give up one dream for another." Or that's what it felt like, anyway.

"Well, maybe you picked the wrong dream to give up then."

My gaze snapped up to meet hers. She shrugged, and I realized she was right. "Omigod." I shot out of my seat. "You're right." My brows pinched. "I picked the wrong dream. I have to go." Maddy lips spread into a smile. "I'll call you later." I twisted to leave, then stopped. "My luggage is on the plane."

"I'll get it when I land in New York and take it to your place. Now go get your man."

My heart pounded as I mouthed a thank you before I bolted back to where I'd left Maddox, but he wasn't there. Not that I expected him to be. "Okay, Addison, calm down and think." Maddox had told me his plans. He wasn't going to leave the airport. He was going to eat. "Okay, where was he going to eat?" I found the airport directory and scanned over everything. Thankfully, the airport wasn't too big. My finger scanned over the map until it stopped at the Brunch cafe. "That's it."

I ran through the crowds of people towards the cafe, only stopping once because someone ran out in front of me and again because I spotted Maddox sitting at a table inside the cafe, drinking his coffee and flipping through his phone. He was wearing a team baseball cap and his team hoodie with the hood pulled up over his head to help hide his identity.

All the dread and anxiety disappeared as I stood there watching him, and I realized this was the right choice. He was the right choice for me.

I strolled into the cafe, stopping beside him. His mouth opened; I assumed he thought I was a fan. Our gazes collided, and his face shifted from annoyance to shock. "Addison? What are you doing? You're going to miss your flight?"

"I'm not getting on that plane today or any day. I'm not leaving you again."

"What about your dream job?"

I swallowed hard. "You are my dream. You've always been my dream. What happened in high school derailed it slightly, but I know you are what I want. Who knows? Maybe I'll get a better offer here in Florida."

He pushed out of his seat, pulling me into him. "Addison, are you sure?" His face was lined with worry as he cupped my face. "I don't want you to end up resenting me for giving up your dream job."

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." I could feel it in the way my heart still fluttered, standing here with him, that I was making the right choice.

"I'm not going to let you go again," he warned.

"I'm not going anywhere. From here on out, we make all our decisions together." He nodded, a slow smile spreading across his face. "I don't know what I'll do for work, but I have a little bit of savings to cover me for a little while until I figure it out."

He huffed out a laugh. "Money isn't something you need to worry about. Take your time and figure out what you want. You don't have to settle. I got you!" I narrowed my eyes. "I'm saying I got you covered financially until you find your dream job or," he shrugged his shoulders as a devious smile twitched at his lips, "if you decide you want to have lots of my babies and stay home. I got you!"

"Lots of babies?" I asked, my eyes widened. "Like how many babies?"

He laughed. "We can figure that out later."

There was still a ton of stuff to work out, and it sucked that Maddox had to leave for a game, but now we had the rest of our lives to figure it all out.



Six Weeks Later...

I swiped awaythe bead of sweat beading along my brow as my other hand flipped the tiny ring box over and over in my pocket. I'd never been so nervous in my life. My leg bounced rapidly as the stage lights beamed down on me.

The season was over, and Addison and I had flown to Vegas together for a live on-air interview with Kelly Kelsey. Addison didn't know it, but I was going to propose live for all her fans to see her. It was what they'd been waiting for since the day we did our first live.

When Addison didn't show up in New York, BBN fired her, and her fans were livid. Everyone wanted to know what happened. They needed their HEA. BBN didn't realize how loved Addison was by her fans. They received so much hate mail that they ended up offering Addison her position back, but she'd declined and started her own sports gossip blog, sponsored by several high-dollar companies.

"So Maddox," Kelly said, squaring her shoulders. "Are we going to be able to talk Addison into joining us on stage today?" Kelly was in on the plan. The entire Kelly Kelsey Show crew was in on it. I'd been waiting for the perfect moment, but I knew when the show's producer contacted Casey that was where I was going to propose.

My lips curled into a smile as my gaze flicked out into the audience, where Addison stood, watching the show next to the cameraman. Addison shook her head and mouth no way. "Come on, Addison. Get your butt up here."

Addison pressed her lips into a thin line as her eyes went wide, silently screaming at me to stop her, but I wasn't going to do that. I jerked my head in a come-on motion, and her shoulders sank in defeat before caving and strolling up on the stage, where she took her seat beside me.
