Page 13 of You Broke Me First

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She shouldn't trust me.

Grabbing the hem of the hideous sweatshirt, I pulled it over her head and dropped it on the floor. Her tiny low-cut top underneath that sweatshirt did not disappoint. Her chest rose and fell with deep, ragged breaths. I restrained the urge to touch her tits. My mouth watered with the thought of touching, teasing, tasting them.

Putting a hand between her knees, I shoved them apart and situated myself between her thighs. My cock strained painfully against the denim of my jeans.

A rush of exhilaration surged through me as I ran my tongue over her bottom lip before my mouth crashed against her soft, full lips. I grabbed her face with both hands, pulling her mouth harder against mine. I was suddenly desperate for more.

Her mouth opened, and my tongue slid in, tasting her. She arched into me, and I dug my fingers into the soft skin of her hips; I jerked her to the edge of the counter and pressed my erection into her. She moaned into my mouth as I slowly ground against her, and I thought I might come to the sound of her soft moans.

Everything about her was intoxicating… her smell, her taste, her sounds. All of her sucked me in, and I needed more.

I wanted more.

"You did this," I whispered against her lips. My hand tangled into her hair, pulling back to give me access to the soft skin of her neck. She gasped as my lips grazed down her throat, searching for the perfect spot and drawing in the soft skin, sucking and nipping.

I didn't care about the bet in that moment. I just wanted more of her.

All of her.

I wanted her to know that she did this to me. That she was making me crazy for her.

Grinding myself against her, I took her mouth with mine as white-hot electricity surged through me. My hands moved to her waist, sliding the hem of her tank top up.

"I should go," she breathed, breaking from the kiss and pushing against my chest. I took a step back, pressing my lips together tightly, trying to regain control of myself. She readjusted her shirt, drawing in long, slow breaths.

"Yeah." I nodded, slowing my breathing down. My gaze darted between her and the phone recording on the counter next to her. I'd almost forgotten it was there. "Here, let me help you down." I offered her a hand, spinning her slightly away from the direction of the phone so that I could grab it with the other hand without her seeing. Without bothering to turn it off, I shoved it in my pocket.

She reached down, grabbed her sweatshirt, and quickly pulled it back on. I handed her glasses to her, and we headed out without another word.

The short ride to Addy's house was silent. A strange, awkward tension filled the truck, and I couldn't quite pinpoint whether she or I felt uncomfortable or maybe both of us.

"Library tomorrow after school?" I swerved the truck into her driveway. She nodded, slid out, and shut the door. I inwardly smiled as I watched her walk to the house. This was going to be easier than I thought.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I flipped it on and rewatched the video, trying to decide whether to share any of this with the guys or keep her to myself a little longer. If everyone knew what was hiding beneath her security blanket and how hot she was, on top of the fact that she was almost completely untouched, they'd be all over her, and I couldn't risk that yet.



Maddox Parker kissed me. Like a real kiss. My first kiss.

Standing against the closed bathroom door, I aimlessly ran my fingers over my swollen lips. My chest swelled, and my stomach fluttered as the memories rushed back. It was so much better than I could have imagined. I'd dreamed about my first kiss, and in those dreams, it was always with Maddox. The location changed, the timing, our ages, everything but the person, but even in my wildest dreams, I never thought it would actually happen.

I'd been in love with Maddox since he moved to our small town the summer before first grade. He was the cutest boy I'd ever seen, but even back then, he didn't notice me.

Today, he noticed me. I was so excited I felt like I could burst.

My phone buzzed in my hand.

Maddox: Good night, dork.

A grin spread across my face. Maddox Parker was flirting with me. He followed his message with a winky kissy emoji.

Addison: Good night.

* * *

The following day,I floated through the day on cloud nine. I couldn't wait to see Maddox after school, but first, I had to get through the rest of my day.
