Page 14 of You Broke Me First

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"Hey." I smiled at Chaz as he strolled up to my tutoring table in the library. Almost every day since high school started, I'd tutored Chaz. This year was no different; I tutored him during his third-period study hall in the library. Tutoring was part of my community service hours, but I really did it because it was about ninety percent of my socialization. I was kind of a loner.

"Hey." He smiled back. "I just wanted to let you know that I won't be here for tutoring anymore. Karly offered to help me after school."

"That's great, Chaz," I said sincerely. "Let me know if anything changes, and I'll add you back to my schedule."

I didn't think anything was weird about Chaz getting help from Karly until the next period when another student canceled. Then again, the next period, which continued throughout the day until I no longer tutored a single athlete in the school except Maddox. I had no idea what was going on. Maybe all my athletes canceling on the same day was just a coincidence—a weird coincidence but nonetheless a coincidence.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. A smile spread across my face at the sight of his name on my screen.

Maddox: Library after school?

Drawing in a breath, my chest swelled as the memories from last night washed over me. I knew that Maddox Parker could have any girl he wanted, but last night, the girl he wanted was me. I was aware that he didn't typically date, but I also knew something about our chemistry was different. He made me feel not just comfortable but special, like no one ever had before.

Addison: Yes!

* * *

At exactly two-ten,Maddox pushed through the front doors of the library.

"Can you fit me into your schedule tomorrow during third and fifth period?" Maddox asked, dropping his bag on the floor beside the table.

I narrowed my eyes. He didn't make eye contact as he slid into his chair and reached for the textbook across the table, flipping it open to the chapter we were starting today. Another coincidence? Now, I wasn't so sure. The two periods I tutored during study halls were now available for more time with Maddox.

"Yes." I smirked. "I had several cancellations today."

"Several?" His gaze avoided mine, staying locked on the textbook in front of him as he tensed ever so slightly. "Weird."

"Yeah," I said. "Especially since I've tutored most of them since ninth grade." I had an inkling that he was behind this somehow, but I wasn't going to push it. I liked being around Maddox, and how could I be upset if he wanted to spend more time with me?

We spent the next several hours studying.

"I'm starving," Maddox said, slouching back in his chair. "We should go get food."

"We still have a whole chapter we haven't gotten to yet," I reminded him, tapping a finger on the textbook in front of him.

"We've been working for hours," he muttered. "And we still have tomorrow."

"I can't tonight. I have to leave here in," I paused to glance at my watch, "fifteen minutes. I have to work tonight."

"Okay." He smirked. "How about we work another thirteen minutes, and then you show me your tattoo." My eyes snapped up, meeting his. I kept my expression blank. How did he know I had a tattoo? "I saw a hint of it when you were painting the other night. I want to see the whole thing."

"Why?" My eyes narrowed on him.

"Why not?" he shrugged, leaning forward, so close his mouth was mere centimeters from mine.

"It's a part of you I haven't seen, and I want to see it." His breath fanned across my lips as a blush crept over my cheeks. My eyes locked on his lips as they curved into a devilish smile; all I could think about was kissing him again. "So?"

"Okay," flew out of my mouth before I realized what I was saying. I'd never shown anyone my tattoo. It had meaning behind it that was so personal that it wasn't something I shared with anyone. Not even Karly. But something about Maddox made my walls crumble when I was with him, and I couldn't explain why.

Maddox twisted in his seat and leaned forward, diving back into the textbook and starting the next problem. Before I knew it, more than fifteen minutes had passed. Being around Maddox caused me to lose all sense of time—all sense of everything.

Maddox's phone buzzed against the wooden table.

"Shit," he muttered, glancing at his phone. "I have to go." He jumped up quickly, gathering his things. "I'll text you." And he was gone.

Well, that was easier than I thought getting out of showing him my tattoo would be.

