Page 2 of You Broke Me First

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"Ms. Hanford got me benched for the first game," I muttered, "if I don't bring my grade up by Thursday."

"Ms. Hanford's got it out for you this year," Asher said, pulling a white cap over his dark curly hair. "She got me benched twice last year. I had to get a tutor."

"Yeah," I groaned. "Coach set me up with one."

"Who?" Asher asked, narrowing his dark blue eyes as he slid into his letterman jacket.

"Uh, I think he said her name was Addy."

Asher huffed out a humorless laugh. "Good luck with her."

"Yeah," Royce chimed in. "She's a prude."

"Total ball buster." Bentley laughed.

"She is," Asher agreed. "She wouldn't even show me her tits. I can't learn like that."

"Why would you want to see them?" I asked. "She's a dork."

"Just think about it, man," Royce said. "No one has ever seen what's under that gigantic sweatshirt. No one. I'm curious what she's got under there."

"Yeah, like, are they a handful?" Asher mused, using his hands to demonstrate the size. "Or more."

"And for a nerd, she's kind of hot," Bentley added. I'd never looked that hard at her, but I didn't see anything attractive about her.

"Well, every girl wants to show me her tits." I laughed. "I'm sure tutor girl will be no different."

"Wanna bet?" Asher mocked, a taunting smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. "Unless you're scared."

"I'm not scared," I said. "You're on. What are we betting for?"

"If you lose, you have to fake an injury on scout day," Asher said.

"That's the day all the college scouts will be there," I said. "I'll ruin my chances of playing college ball."

"Oh." He laughed. "So, you can't do it then?"

"Not only will I get her to show me her tits," I smirked, "I'll get her to suck my dick." No girl at this school could resist my charm, and this girl would be no different. "I'm not fucking her, though; I have standards."

"And how will you prove it?" Royce asked, drawing my attention to him.

"Pictures or videos."

"You have until one week before scout day," Asher said. "And you have to send the pictures to the entire school."

"Yeah," Royce agreed. "That way, everyone sees what's under that sweatshirt."

"Fine," I said, a smile pulling at the corners of my lips. "You're on, but first, I need to convince her to do my work for me so I can bring up my grade and play Friday."

"That's not going to work for Hanford's class," Bentley warned. "Hanford doesn't grade homework or classwork. You'll have to pass her test."


"Well, I need to find this girl now and get started," I said. "I got six days to bring that D up to a C."

"She's probably in the library," Royce said. "She's always in the library."

"I'll catch y'all later," I said and darted towards the library.
