Page 3 of You Broke Me First

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Shoving my Air Pods in my ears, I thumbed through my playlist and decided I was in the mood for a surprise. I hit the shuffle button, and "Dream On" by Aerosmith blared through the tiny speakers.


I pushed the cart full of books down the aisle, swaying my hips to the music and humming along to the words. I was in the quiet library, but it didn't matter; I was the only one there for the following two classes. Grabbing a book from the cart, I searched for its home, running my fingers over the books before shoving it in its place and grabbing another. Spinning around, I caught something in my peripheral view and dropped the book. My head snapped around while I jerked both of my headphones out.

I swallowed hard at the sight of Maddox Parker propped against the bookcase, watching me. All six foot plus of perfection, watching me with his deep blue eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" I snapped, not bothering to hide my irritation. He'd run into me, knocked me to the ground, and called me a dork. Then, to top it off, didn't even bother to help me up.

"What are you listening to?" He smirked, avoiding my question.

"None of your business." I rubbed my damp hands down my jeans. "Now, what are you doing here?"

"I came to be tutored." He pushed off the bookcase with his shoulder. "So, tutor me."

"I told your coach I couldn't start until Monday." I leaned over and picking up the book I dropped. "And I meant it." I didn't want to tutor him at all, but his coach made me feel half bad, and I wasn't even sure how he did that because I did not feel bad for this entitled jerk—a gorgeous, entitled jerk who didn't even know I existed until I ran into him today.

"Listen," he said, following me out of the bookcases. "What will it take to get you to start today?" He dropped his backpack on the wooden squared student table.

"Nothing." Averting my gaze, I pulled at the hem of my oversized sweatshirt as my heart pounded wildly. "I'm busy today."

Maddox made me nervous. He was everything I was not. He was popular with lots of friends and girls were literally falling at his feet. I had one friend, and I'd never had a boyfriend. I'd never even been kissed. He was into sports, and I was into books and art. We had zero in common, yet I'd been secretly in love with him since the first grade. Before today, I'd never spoken a word to him, and now, we had an entire conversation, and I was also supposed to sit next to him and help him pass math.

"Don't be ridiculous." He flashed an all-white perfect smile that made the girls do whatever he wanted. "Everyone has a price. What's yours?"

"I don't." I rolled my eyes. "I'm willing to help you, but I can't start until Monday."

The truth was I didn't have plans. I needed this time to mentally prepare myself to be in such close proximity to him and not embarrass myself.

"I'm desperate," he pleaded, his entire facial expression and tone changed. "I have to pass two tests by Thursday, and I have six days to prepare." He shoved his hands into his pockets. "If I don't pass, I can't play, and I don't just let myself down, I let my team down. So, please."

Sucking in a heavy breath, I caved. "Okay," I said on a heavy exhale, dropping my shoulders. "We can start after school today."

"Thank you," he said, his eyes locked on mine. Maddox Parker was stupid hot. Tall, and every inch of his perfect body was a chiseled masterpiece. His dark hair made his piercing blue eyes stand out. His strong, chiseled jawline and full lips were pure perfection.

"We'll meet here at 2:15," I said, breaking eye contact. "Don't be late."

The first-period dismissal bell rang, and he grabbed his bag from the table and left.

"You can do this," I muttered, falling into a chair and leaning my head against the table. "It's not going to be that bad. Who knows? Maybe we'll become friends."

"What's that, dear?" Ms. Holloway asked, passing by on her way to her office.

"Nothing," I said, jumping out of the chair. "Just talking to myself."

I spent most of my days in the library. Technically, I had enough credits to graduate early, but I felt like I would be missing out on something if I did. It was my last chance to experience prom, homecoming, and all the other special things about high school that you never get another chance to experience. Plus, I had nothing else to do, so I had two elective classes and spent the rest of the day in the library, completing community service hours, tutoring, and finishing my college applications.

The last bell of the day rang, dismissing students to their buses or cars, and I set up a table to work with Maddox.

Sitting there waiting, I nervously chewed on the end of my pen, watching the front doors to the library. He strolled in five minutes early and sucked every ounce of air out of my lungs. I'd watched him every day since first grade when he'd moved into town, and the sight of him could still steal my breath away. He was gorgeous with dark hair that was curly when he grew it out, and a smile that would literally melt your insides. He was tall, tanned, and toned. Maddox usually wore a red hat twisted backward, jeans, a t-shirt, and his letterman's jacket.

"Ready?" He smiled, dropping his bag on the table.

As ready as I'll ever be.
