Page 21 of You Broke Me First

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"Oh." I frowned down at my clothes. It never crossed my mind to wear his team colors. I knew the entire school would be decked out in black and gold school colors today. "I didn't think about it. Should I go change?"

"No." He laughed. "I have a better idea." He hopped out of the truck and sprinted to the passenger side, where I was still standing. Stopping in front of me, he removed his letterman's jacket, revealing his black and gold jersey with the number 17 on it. "Here." He held it out to me. "You can wear this." I didn't know for sure because I was in shock, but I was pretty sure my mouth dropped open as I reached for it. Wearing his jacket made it official. It made us official. "Actually." He pulled the jacket back. My heart sank. "I'll trade you." He pointed to my sweatshirt. "It's too hot for you to wear both." I nodded quickly, pulling off the sweatshirt and trading him. "Much better."

We made it to school right on time, and when we entered the school together, I was wearing his letterman's jacket with his hand tangled into mine. All eyes were on us, including Maddy Taylor, who looked like her head was going to explode. Even more, than I hated crowds, I hated conflict, and I knew I was even higher up on Maddy's shit list now. Torturing me would now be her sole purpose for living. My gaze flicked from my hand holding Maddox's to his face, and I decided it was totally worth it. Or, at least for the moment, it was.



"I'll meet you after school at my truck," Maddox said, tossing his water bottle into the trash on his way out of the library.

The day had flown by. Maddox met me for his regular tutoring session during his study hall, then hung out and ate lunch with me in the library. I'd managed to avoid Maddy for the entire day, but I was pretty sure that wouldn't last through the game. She was a cheerleader, so of course, she'd be there.

The last bell of the day sounded. Shit! I left the library a little early to go to the restroom before anyone else. I hated getting stuck in the girl's bathroom with mean girls. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and for some reason, once that bathroom door closed, it gave every mean girl the confidence to level up their mean girl status. There were no witnesses behind these doors and only one way out. It was literally the worst place in the world to get stuck.

Straightening my clothes, I reached for the bathroom stall lock when I heard the door squeak open. Hopping onto the toilet seat, I tried to make myself invisible, clenching my bag to my chest and balancing myself on the toilet seat.

"Who did you get?" a girl asked. I recognized her voice. It was Kasey Davis. She was a popular Varsity cheerleader. She was also team mean girl.

"I got Asher," a different girl squealed. I recognized her voice, too. It was Riley Mathers, also a popular Varsity cheerleader and mean girl. "What about you?"

"I got T.J.," Kasey squealed. Their feet shuffled around the floor, and I was pretty sure they were jumping up and down.

"Omigod, he's so hot," Riley said. "I heard he has a massive dick." She made a smacking sound with her lips. Maybe she was applying lipstick. "Who got Maddox Parker?"

"I would assume, Maddy," Kasey answered. "She always gets Maddox."

"Doesn't he like have a girlfriend or something now?" Riley asked, and I could hear her smacking her gum. Gag!

"So?" Kasey laughed. "Before-game, blow jobs are a Rally girls' job, not a girlfriend. Not that I really believe Maddox Parker, the hottest guy ever, is actually dating that nobody dork. Do you even know her name?"

"No," Riley smacked. "She must have something on him." My chest tightened at the thought of Maddy giving Maddox a blow job before the game tonight. Was she his rally girl? I didn't even know what a rally girl was, but I didn't want her to be anything to Maddox.

"I think he just feels sorry for her," Kasey said. "She was like tutoring him, and you know she doesn't have any friends." I tried to ignore their hurtful words. Shifting on the toilet seat, trying not to make a sound or fall, I pretended their opinions meant nothing, but they did. The possibility of Maddox dating me because he felt sorry for me was unbearably painful.

The door to the bathroom squeaked open, and I squeezed my eyes shut, praying they were leaving and it wasn't more cheerleaders coming to talk about Maddox Parker's new dork of a girlfriend. I wasn't sure how much longer I could hover over the toilet.

The door slammed shut, and the two girls' loud cackles faded down the hall.

Swallowing the knot forming in my throat and pushing my thoughts to the back of my head, I rushed out of the girls' bathroom and to the student parking lot.

Rows of cars sat bumper to bumper, inching their way toward the school one-way out exit gate. I weaved through the line of vehicles and spotted Maddox leaning against his truck, talking. Straining my neck and taking another step forward, I spotted Maddy smiling her bright white smile at Maddox. She flipped her long, shiny, white blonde hair over her narrow shoulder.

I wasn't sure whether to turn and run in the opposite direction or pick up my pace and confront them both. I hated drama and Maddox came with a ton of it.

Standing frozen in place, I watched as Maddy placed a hand on Maddox's arms crossed over his chest. They looked like they belonged together. He was dressed in jeans and his black and gold jersey, and she matched him in her black and gold cheer uniform. But as I continued to watch, I realized Maddox wasn't returning her flirtatious gestures; in fact, he looked annoyed, but I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. Was she telling him she would be servicing him before the game? Were they making plans to meet after he dropped me off?



"Get out of the way, dork," a student in a black Toyota Tundra shouted, startling me from my thoughts and sending me jumping into the air, drawing the attention of everyone in the parking lot, including Maddy and Maddox.

"Addy." Maddox smiled, pushing off his truck. Everything about his body language relaxed when he saw me, and I realized I wasn't just some girl he felt sorry for. He didn't even give Maddy a second look as he walked toward me. I wasn't sure what this was, but one thing I knew for sure: it wasn't pity. The next thing I knew for sure was that Maddy would not be giving Maddox a before-game blow job. If he'd already had one before he made it back to school, he wouldn't need another one, right?

"Hey." he smiled. "You ready?" I nodded as I tried to hide the panic coursing through me. "Let's go chill at my place until it's time to leave for the game." I nodded again as he opened my door. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head. I could force words out of my mouth. He slammed the door and jogged around to the other side. I attempted to shake the panic out of me. I'd never even seen a real dick before I fell on top of Maddox's at the party, and now, I was planning to stick it in my mouth.

"You okay?" Maddox asked, pulling himself up into the truck.
