Page 22 of You Broke Me First

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"Yes," I said quicker than I'd intended. "Why?"

"You look like something is wrong," he said, tensing as his gaze scanned over me. "Did someone hurt you?" His tone completely changed. The possessive Maddox that climbed through my window last night was back.

"No," I smiled, laying a hand on his to reassure him. "I'm fine. I promise." His body relaxed, and so did I.

I was ready for this.

I wanted him.



The afternoon hadn't gone as planned. On the way back to Maddox's place, one of his friends called needing help because he blew a tire and was stuck on the side of the road. I thought it was great that Maddox was willing to help a friend, but it halted my plans. Once the tire was changed, we didn't have time to go to Maddox's house. Now we were in his truck headed back to the school, where Maddy would be waiting for him.

Staring aimlessly out the window into the darkness, all I could think about was Maddy waiting to give him his pre-game blow job while I sat in the stands waiting for the game to start wearing his letterman's jacket.

"What's up with you?" Maddox asked. "You seem off this afternoon." Continuing to stare out the window, I shook my head, avoiding eye contact. Tapping the brakes, Maddox swerved the truck off the road before coming to a complete stop.

"What are you doing?" I snapped, leaning forward to search for why we were pulling over.

"What's going on, Addy?" He twisted in his seat, balancing his arm on the steering wheel.

He wasn't going to drop it.

I blew out a breath. "I overheard some girls in the bathroom talking about rally girls and blow jobs."

"So?" He shrugged, his brow furrowing.

"So," I said, drawing out the word. "Is that like actually a thing?"

"Yeah." He laughed.

"Is Maddy your rally girl?" I said, chewing on my bottom lip.

"You're cute when you're jealous; you know that, right?" He smirked.

"Maddox," I groaned.

"Addy," he interrupted. "Look, Maddy has been my rally girl since I was in 9th grade and made Varsity." He leaned forward. "This." He waved his hand, gesturing to him and me. "Is new." I wasn't sure if he was suggesting I should be okay with this or where he was going.

"I'm not following," I said. His gaze moved past me out the window like he was contemplating his next words.

"Before game blow-jobs are a tradition," he said matter-of-factly, a cocky grin tugging at his lips. "You could be my rally girl." He fell back against his seat. "My dick is all yours."

That was my cue. This wasn't how I planned it, but if he was going to get a blow job tonight, it would be from me, his girlfriend.

Reaching across myself to unbuckle my seatbelt, I glanced out the window. Even though it was barely six o'clock, it was already dark outside. Luckily, it was that time of the year, plus we were on a back road that wasn't used very often. I winced at the sharp sound of my seatbelt popping against the window when I released it.

"Addy, I'm just kidding." He laughed, shifting the truck into drive. He shifted his body to look for oncoming traffic before he pulled back onto the road.

"I'm not," I breathed, twisting in my seat and pulling myself onto my knees. He cut a look my way as he shifted the truck back into park. His eyes sized me up, trying to determine if I was joking or not. I wasn't. I didn't know where this courage came from. Maybe the thought of Maddy pleasing him gave me that extra push, but I was doing this. "I'm not kidding," I repeated.

My heart pounded in my ears, waiting for his response.

"If you want it," he said, hitting the automatic button on the side of the seat and sliding his seat back, "come get it."

My heart pounded, and my stomach fluttered as I shifted in my seat to lean over the truck's center console, pressing my lip in a thin line.
