Page 39 of You Broke Me First

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"What about it?" I smirked, shrugging her off.

"Maddox, you're going to fail," she scolded me. "And Coach is going to lose his shit."

"Mind your own business, Maddy," I hissed. "I'm not your problem anymore."

"Thank god," she muttered, shoving out of her chair and gathering her things.

"We aren't even friends, for that matter," I scoffed. "Why are you even here?"

"Hey, man," Andrew said. "Chill, Maddy didn't do anything."

"You have no idea," I growled, my gaze locked on her. Maddy and I weren't friends anymore; in fact, I didn't like her, but for some reason, she was always around.

"I'm out of here," Maddy muttered before storming off.

"Man, that was harsh," Cody said.

"Trust me," I said. "She deserves worse." I pushed out of my chair. "I'm headed back to change, and I'll meet you at Buster's around nine."

* * *

By eight p.m.,I had showered, dressed, and was almost ready to leave when a pounding sounded from the front door.

"I said I'd meet you ther..." I trailed off when I flung the door open and realized it wasn't Andrew or Cody. It was her—tutor girl.

"Our session started thirty minutes ago," she scolded, pushing past me into my apartment.

"Uh," I said, my wide eyes following her into my living area. "What are you doing here?"

"Tutoring you." She smiled sarcastically, pulling her books out of her bag and setting them on the rectangular coffee table in front of my couch.

"Yeah, sorry," I said, finally getting my senses back. "I have plans." I stormed past her toward the back of the apartment where my bedroom was.

"Yes, I know," she said right on my heels. I opened my top dresser drawer, searching for the cash I'd hidden in there. "Tutoring. With me." Metal slapped around my wrist. Handcuffs. My eyes flashed from the metal wrapped around my wrist to hers. It took a minute for my brain to completely process what was happening. My gaze flicked back down to my wrist, following the short chain that led to the same metal wrapped around her wrist. My eyes flashed wide, flicking up to meet hers. She'd fucking handcuffed herself to me. "What the fuck? Are you insane?"

"You have no idea," she muttered.

"This is kidnapping." I jerked against the cuffs, pulling her into me. A laugh bubbled up at the pure audacity of the situation. Tutor girl thought she'd be able to control me with handcuffs. I was twice her size.

"I don't like this any more than you do," she hissed, pushing off me. "But you need to bring up your grades, and I need to do my job." I huffed out a laugh as I jerked her wrist forward to dig through my sock drawer. "I don't like you, and you don't have to like me, but we are doing this, Maddox."

My breath hitched at the sound of my name on her lips.Addy. She sounded just like her. I shook it off, unwilling to let my mind play tricks.

"You don't like me?" I scoffed, grabbed the wad of cash, and stormed out of the bedroom, dragging her behind me. "Look, if this is about me not calling after a hook-up or something, I'm upfront in the beginning. I don't do relationships."

She choked out a sarcastic laugh. I stopped spinning to face her. I thought back, trying to remember hooking up with her or whatever I did to piss off this girl. My gaze shifted to her full pink lips, and I froze; my gaze immediately darted away because, just like every girl for the last four years, all I could see was her. My chest tightened as memories of Addy flooded back. But no one had ever reminded me of Addy as much as this chick.

"Where's the key?" I hissed, avoiding eye contact.

"Hidden." She smirked. "Can we get started now?"

I barked out a laugh. "Last chance to uncuff me." She didn't move. I shrugged, "Okay, suit yourself. We are going out tonight." I didn't wait for a response. I jerked my arm, and she yelped as she stumbled forward, falling into me. Throwing the front door open, I wrapped my uncuffed arm around her waist, hoisting her over my shoulder and carrying her out the door.

If she wanted to play, then we'd play...


