Page 40 of You Broke Me First

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"Two shots of tequila," I shouted to the man behind the bar over the music. My gaze flicked down to the pretty blonde handcuffed to me. This could be a lot of fun if she didn't hate me so much. "Make it four shots."

Buster's was the only local college bar within walking distance of the campus. It stayed packed most nights, and tonight was no different.

"Here," I said, sliding two shots down to her before throwing back one of mine. Maybe a couple of shots would pull the stick out of her ass.

"No, thanks," she muttered, pushing the shots away. "I would like to leave."

"You could uncuff me." I smirked, leaning against the bar.

"I can't," she mocked my smirk, narrowing her eyes on me. "It's in my purse back at your place." I shrugged, throwing back the other shot.

"Might as well drink up," I said, pushing the shot back to her. "It's going to be a long night." She blew out an exasperated sigh before grabbing the shots and throwing them back.

I couldn't remember why this girl didn't like me, but we were cuffed together tonight, so there was no escape for either of us. Tonight, I would convince her that she was wrong about me. Before the night was over, I would have her eating out of the palm of my hands, even if that meant I needed to feed her more drinks to get her to loosen up.

And that's just what I did...

I ordered drink after drink.

Andrew and Cody showed up after about the third round of drinks, and having them there seemed to lighten her mood. She was friendly with them, making small talk and even smiling at them.

"So, tutor girl," I slurred, sliding her another drink. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Ye..." She trailed off, scrunching her face like the question was confusing. I raised my eyebrows. "Yes, I do have a boyfriend."

"Why isn't he here with you?" I asked, sliding off the stool and into her personal space and purposely brushing my body against hers, which didn't have the impact on her that it usually did on women.

"It's complicated," she slurred. Hmm... Complicated sounded like she was single.

"I want to dance," I said, jerking her off the stool and dragging her toward the dance floor.

"I'm not dancing with you," she snapped, pulling hard against the cuffs.

"You shouldn't have cuffed yourself to me then." I smirked, giving another hard jerk. She stumbled forward, falling into me. Spinning her under my arm, I looped our connected arms around her, pressing her back to my front.

She struggled against my grip, her entire body tensed against mine as my other hand landed on her hip.

"Give it up, tutor girl," I whispered. "You are stuck with me tonight, and I'm in charge." I ground my hips against her ass, moving to the rhythm of the music. "So, relax and enjoy the ride."

Two songs later, the abundance of alcohol set in, and her body relaxed against mine. Her ass ground against me, and she not only had my attention, but my also my cocks. I slipped my hand under her shirt, and her body went rigid before she spun out of my grasp so quickly I couldn't stop her.

I inwardly groaned as I rolled my eyes.What is with this chick?

"I wasn't done dancing," I muttered, pulling her back to me.

"I am." She pushed off me, taking an extra step back and stretching out our arms.

"Don't care." I jerked my arm, pulling hard against the cuffs, and she cried out, reaching for her wrist.


I'd meant to make her regret handcuffing herself to me, but I didn't want to hurt her. Blowing out a sigh, I grabbed her wrist. "Let me see."

Even in the darkness of the bar, I could see it was red and swollen. My chest tightened; I had no idea what had gotten into me. She was only trying to do her job, and I'd physically hurt her. She winced when I brushed my thumb over the red markings, and a wave of guilt washed over me.

"Come on," I sighed. "Let's head back to my place and get these off you." She nodded, rubbing her wrist.

I shoved my way through the crowd, careful not to pull against her swollen wrist. A drunk girl stumbled backward, bumping into me and causing me to pull against her wrist. She winced.
