Page 43 of You Broke Me First

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"Then maybe it's time you told her the truth, Maddy," I snarled.

"Maddox," she hissed, stepping into me. "I was on the complete opposite end of campus that day, and Addison knows it." She looked off into the distance like she was recalling that day. "It was the day she punched me in the nose." She shrugged. "I deserved it. If you want Addy's forgiveness you're going to have to take the blame for your part in everything that went down that day."

I wasn't sure what to believe anymore.

"If you want back in Addison's life, you can't scream at her right now because she didn't tell you," Maddy scolded. "You need to remind her why she liked you in the first place and then grovel and beg for her forgiveness."

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I blew out a deep breath. She was right.

"Maddox." She sighed. "Even if you truly didn't send that video, you still have a lot to apologize for."

I didn't send that video out, but I had no way to prove it. That was why Asher was arguing with me that day on the field because I refused to send the videos or anything else, but Maddy was right; I had a lot to apologize for. I should have come clean that day about everything. I should have protected her, ensuring no one could access those videos. I should have never had them in the first place.

"I would focus on starting new and not dwelling on the past," Maddy suggested. "You're both two different people now. Addison is not the same girl that left high school."

Since the day I found out Addy left for college, I'd taken out my anger on Maddy because I'd always assumed it was her who got into my phone during practice and sent the video for several reasons: one - Maddy was the only person who knew the code to my phone; two Maddy was the only one who wanted to destroy Addy; three it was something her and her friends would do.

But now I wasn't sure it was Maddy.



Maddy had been right about everything, and truthfully, I didn't know Addison anymore, but I knew some parts of Addy still had to be there. To stand a chance of winning her back, I had to play my cards just right, and to play those cards right, I needed to know who Addison was and prove I wasn't the same dumb kid I was four years ago.

Maddox: Change of plans, tutor girl. Meet me at my place at 3.

I dropped my phone on the dresser. If my plan was going to work, I needed privacy, and the student center wouldn't work.

Tutor girl: That wasn't part of the deal—the student center at 3.

Maddox: Take it or leave it. I'll be at my place at 3 if you'd like to tutor me.

After sending my address in case she forgot, I turned my phone off and played every scenario of tonight in my head. She wouldn't want to come, but she would because she didn't want to lose her job, and maybe it was wrong, but I was playing that card. I had no doubt in my mind that if she weren't being forced to be around me right now, she wouldn't be.

At precisely three, I buzzed her into the apartment complex, letting her know the door was unlocked.

I listened from my bedroom as the front door creaked open and then clicked closed. I heard her bag dropping onto the dining room table, echoing through the quiet apartment.

"Maddox," she called out. I didn't answer. I wasn't ready to answer. My heart pounding against my chest, I sucked in a deep breath.

It was now or never.

"Are you ready to get started?" she muttered, not bothering to look up when I shuffled into the kitchen. I had zero interest in tutoring today but knew it was the only way to get her here.

"Go ahead," I said, leaning on the counter behind her. Crossing my arms over my chest and my feet at my ankles, my gaze locked on her. Even though she was turned away from me, it gave me a minute to take her in. She no longer hid behind the massive clothes and large glasses. Her clothes fit better, tighter, showing off everything I already knew she had. Her hair was shorter and lighter, and she'd definitely spent some time in the sun, but I still couldn't understand how I didn't recognize her, Addy, before now. "Tutor me, tutor girl."

Whipping around, she was ready to lay into me but swallowed her words when her gaze landed on my bare torso. The corner of my mouth curved up, knowing I still had that effect on her. I'd purposely picked this outfit, grey joggers and no shirt, hoping it would have the same impact it did all those years ago. Shaking her head, she shook it off, snapping back to reality.

"We had a deal," she hissed, averting her gaze to anything but me.

"No." I smirked. "You blackmailed me, and I'm keeping my end. I'm here."

"Maddox," she warned.

"Addy," I said, matching her energy, and immediately regretted it. Sucking in a deep breath, her wide eyes snapped up, locking on mine. She was wondering if I knew. I could see it in her eyes, but she didn't dare say anything. If I didn't know, she wasn't going to give it away.

Shit! This hadn't been part of the plan. I'd planned on playing along with her little game. I'd intended to win her over the same way I'd done four years ago. If I'd done it once, I could do it again.
