Page 42 of You Broke Me First

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My lips curled into a snarl. I didn't need to ask who it was. I knew.

Maddox: Where's the key, tutor girl?

I added an angry emoji to express my emotion through the text. Not that she would care.

Tutor Girl: I will only tell if you agree to a 3 o'clock tutoring session today.

I growled at the phone.

Tutor girl: Or you can stay cuffed to the bed until I meet you there at 3—your choice.

She'd backed me into a corner. I didn't have a choice but to agree.

Maddox: Fine. Where's the key?

Tutor girl: Under your alarm clock. See you at 3.

She added a smiley face emoji, and I almost threw the phone.

Stretching out, I slid the alarm clock up to find the key underneath.

Tutor girl was going to pay for this!

* * *

Two hours later,I was still brooding when I aggressively plopped down into the chair in the University cafeteria between Andrew and Cody. Maddy was directly across from me, picking at a salad while she flipped through a book, and Asher was standing beside Andrew, scrolling through his phone.

"Rough night?" Asher mumbled, not looking up from his phone. I huffed out a sarcastic laugh. That was an understatement.

"So, are you going to tell us why you were handcuffed to your tutor last night at the bar?" Andrew asked before shoving a chicken tender in his mouth.

"Because she's fucking impossible," I hissed, still bitter about being handcuffed to the bed. My gaze flicked up to Asher when he chuckled, and I wasn't sure if it was at our conversation or something funny on his phone because his eyes never looked up. "I don't get her. I've tried to be nice and friendly. I tried being charming, but she hates me, and I can't figure out why."

"Wait," Asher's gaze blinked up from his phone, flicking from me to Maddy. "Is he for real?" He jerked his head towards me, his eyes still locked on Maddy. Maddy's eyes went wide in warning. What the fuck? Maddy gave a subtle shake that was so discreet I thought I'd imagined it.

What was I missing?

Asher's eyes flicked back to me.

"Asher," Maddy warned, dropping her fork. "Stay out of it."

"Oh, no way." Asher laughed, but it was humorless. "She hates you because Addison, aka Addy," he drew out her name, "hasn't forgiven your little stunt from high school." It took me a minute to realize what he was saying to fully process everything.

Addison, aka tutor girl, was actually Addy. Holy fuck. That made so much sense. Every time I was around her, all I could think about, hear, and see was Addy because she was Addy.

My eyes flashed from Asher to Maddy's, who confirmed that what he was saying was true.

A rush of anger pumped through me. "You knew," I growled, shoving out of my chair so fast and hard it flew backward. My anger was directed toward Maddy, and she knew why.

"Maddox," she whispered. "You don't understand."

"Don't understand?" I huffed a sarcastic laugh. "Stay the fuck away from me, Maddy." I stormed toward the exit. I was going to confront tutor girl.

"Maddox," Maddy barked in a tone I'd never heard from her. I stopped. "I didn't tell you because Addison asked me not to."

"You knew how I felt about her," I growled through gritted teeth. "You knew how much I missed her."

"She still feels the same as the day she left high school, Maddox." She shrugged.
