Page 57 of You Broke Me First

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"I really didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered, rolling a can of paint in his hands. "I was a dumb kid, and I'm not the same person anymore."

I believed him for some reason. A raindrop fell from the black sky, hitting my forehead. "We should go before it storms," I said, looking up.

As I followed him out of the train yard, I felt a sense of relief, like I'd let go of all the hardship I'd been harboring for the last four years.



"You ready for this?" Maddox asked, staring up at the old wood-framed house. Sucking in a deep breath, I nodded. I wanted to get this over with, and I was glad I didn't have to do it alone.

Maddox shoved open the front door, and I stepped inside. My gaze flashed around the room. It looked the same as the day I left, minus the ashtrays piled high with half-smoked cigarettes and stacked beer and liquor bottles scattered around the room.

"Where do you want to start?" Maddox asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Pressing my lips into a thin line, I replayed the question. This wasn't the house where I grew up. This wasn't the house filled with happy memories. This was the house we got stuck with after my dad passed. I wasn't sure there was anything in this house that I would want.

After my dad died, my mother pawned everything of value to feed her addiction, and I knew that none of our family memories ever made it to this house. She'd been too drunk on moving day and left everything behind. So, where did I want to start?

"My room." I forced a smile.

Maddox's phone chimed. "Shit, I gotta take this." I nodded. He walked out the front door, closing it behind him, and I strolled down the hall toward my old bedroom.

Twisting the knob, I stepped inside, and the only memory that flashed back was the night Maddox showed up at my window. A smile spread across my face as my gaze flashed from the window to the dresser he'd pinned me against. It was the night he'd told me I was his. Standing in front of the dresser, I wrapped my arms around myself protectively.

"Don't do this to yourself," I mumbled. Swallowing hard, I closed my eyes briefly, pushing away the memories. I didn't have the energy to deal with them right now.

Running my hand over the empty dresser, I realized I'd cleaned out everything the day I left for school. Pulling out one of the dresser drawers, I sucked in a deep breath as my gaze landed on the only thing left—a plain white envelope with my name on it in Maddox's handwriting. I'd never opened the letter. I couldn't. It hurt too much to read his words then, but now...

Now, my curiosity outweighed the hurt, and I needed to know. I needed to know what the man who'd traveled home with me and stood by my side during all this had to say all those years ago.

Ripping the envelope out of the drawer, I tore it open. Sliding down to the floor, I unfolded the white sheet of paper.


I don't know if you'll ever read this, but I need to say this, even if it's not out loud and in person like I wanted to do.

I should have told you the truth weeks ago, but I was scared of losing you.

Before I met you, I was this stupid prick who never expected you to walk in and shake up my entire world the way you did. See, my perspective on everything was so different, but then I met you. I kissed you. I felt you. I fell in love with you, and you changed my entire world.

My breath hitched as my eyes blurred with tears.

At the beginning of the season, I made the stupidest decision of my life. I made a bet that I deeply regretted long before today. I told Asher the bet was off in a weak attempt to redeem myself. To try to make it disappear, and instead, I hurt the one person I cared about the most.

I'm sorry, Addy.

I don't know if you'll ever speak to me again, and I know I fucked up by ever making that bet to begin with, but I need you to know that I DID NOT send that video out. I would never do that to you.

I never expected to meet my soulmate at eighteen years old.

I never deserved you... But I will always love you.


My lungs seized painfully tight as if all the air was sucked out of the room, and my chest ached reading each and every word, wondering if it was true. If he really meant it.

"Sorry about tha..." Maddox trailed off. I twisted around, and my gaze snapped up to meet his. "What's that?" His gaze lingered on the letter.
