Page 58 of You Broke Me First

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"Did you really mean all of this?" I croaked, a single tear escaping. His throat flexed on a hard swallow as his gaze flashed back up to mine.

"Every. Single. Word." He looked so serious that I actually believed him even though I knew I shouldn't. The last time I trusted him, he broke me. "And I still mean them."

I can't do this with him. Not again.

Clearing my throat, I wiped away the tears. "You really didn't send that video?" I asked, deciding to ignore everything else he'd said in the letter. A flicker of pain flashed in his eyes, but he shook his head. "Then who did?"

"Honestly, I don't know." Maddox sighed, strolling over to my bed and sitting. "For a long time, I thought it was Maddy, but now I'm not so sure."

"Why did you think it was Maddy?" I narrowed my eyes. The thought of it being Maddy, the girl I was now trusting with all my secrets, cut a little too deep.

"She was the only person who knew the password to my phone," he said, eyes locked on mine. "She was also pissed about us and had the most reason to want to hurt you." I nodded. "But she swears she was in detention on the opposite end of the campus."

"She was," I admitted, remembering our encounter that day. "I doubt she could have made it from one end of the campus to the other by the time I saw her. What about Asher?" I thought back to how mad Asher seemed that day, storming off the field.

He shrugged. "It's possible, I guess, but I was right behind him."

I folded the letter, shoving it back in the envelope. It didn't matter anymore who sent them. It happened years ago, and I'd already decided to let it go. Hopefully, Maddy's friend would be able to end this once and for all.

Pushing off the floor, I stood staring around the empty room. I didn't want to be here anymore. There was nothing I wanted in this house.

"Do you want to get out of here?" he asked as if he'd read my mind.

Swallowing hard, I nodded. "Yeah."

* * *

Maddox swervedhis truck down a long dirt driveway an hour later, passing a massive remodeled old plantation home. Everything about the property was breathtaking: the huge old oak trees, perfectly manicured lawn, and the lake with a small dock.

Maddox backed the truck up to the lake, put it in park, and killed the engine.

"Where are we?" I smiled, taking in the gorgeous scenery. I'd lived here my whole life and never knew this place existed.

"One of my favorite places back home." He smiled, sliding out of the truck. He met me at his tailgate. "The main house up at the front of the property belonged to my parents until they divorced, and now my dad and his new wife live there." He popped the tailgate, dropping it down. "When he married Daniella, I stopped coming out here."

"Do they know we are here?" My gaze followed Maddox as he hopped into the back of the truck?

"Yes," he said, throwing out a blanket. "They are in Greece and won't be back until after we're gone." He seemed relieved. He leaned over, offering me a hand and pulling me into the back of the truck. He pulled a few pillows and a cooler out of the truck box.

"Well, don't you come prepared." I laughed. He smirked, shrugging dramatically. He'd totally planned this.

"We have dinner," he said, pulling out two containers of food and handing me one. "And we have drinks." He pulled out a bottle of beer. "Beer?"

"Thank you." I took the bottle.

We watched the sunset as we ate, talking about everything and nothing. We laughed as we drank, and before I knew it, I was buzzed and carefree. I'd always been a lightweight when it came to alcohol.

"Truth or dare?" I fell back on the pillows beside him, staring up at the stars in the sky.

"Seriously?" The corner of his mouth quirked up in amusement. I nodded, smiling. "Truth."

"Hmm," I hummed. "How many girls have you brought out here?"

"No one," he said; the seriousness in his tone told me he was telling the truth. "This was my escape after my sister died, maybe even before. I didn't want to share it with anyone." I nodded, understanding that. "Truth or dare."

"Truth." I smiled.

We sat in silence for a long moment while he decided what to ask. "Do you hate me?" he whispered. My head snapped to the side at the same time his did. Lying face to face, our eyes locked, my chest tightened. Swallowing hard, I shook my head. I probably should have hated him, but I didn't. Hate took too much energy, and I didn't have that kind of energy anymore.
