Page 70 of You Broke Me First

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"Yours." I smiled.



It had been close to a month since Addison decided she was all in, and everything seemed easier now that our past wasn't hanging over our heads. The videos were gone, and the only person left to deal with was Asher, but that would have to wait until the end of the season.

Even though Addison said she was all in, I knew that only meant until the end of the season unless I convinced her otherwise, and killing Asher now would end the season early.

"Stop playing around," she ordered cocking her hip to the side. "You have a test tomorrow that you need to pass."

"I could focus a little more," I explained, my lips curling into a smirk, "if you were naked."

"Focus more on what," she laughed, "my boobs?" I shrugged, reaching out and pulling her into me. "How about a game?"

"I like games." I smirked, brushing my lips across hers.

Pushing out of my embrace, she pressed her pointer finger to her perfect, full pink lips and narrowed her eyes like she was thinking incredibly hard.

Fuck, she was hot. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun on the top of her head, no makeup, wearing glasses, and she was still the prettiest girl I'd ever seen.

"How about I give you ten problems to solve," she said. "Every problem you get correct gets you one step closer to a sexual favor of your choice." A smile spread across her face. "But if you get one wrong, you lose a step."

"Oh, I'm so in." I stepped into her, and she stepped back, shaking her finger at me.

"Each problem you get right, I will remove an article of clothing." She smiled. "If you remove all my clothes, I will do whatever you want."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you go to bed alone tonight."

"Maybe I don't want to play." I pressed my lips into a thin line. I let my gaze trail over her. She didn't have much on—a tank top, shorts, panties, and a bra. Surely, I could get five questions right. "You're on."

She sank onto the couch before pulling the book to her, but then she froze, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth. "Maddox," she sighed, her big green eyes blinking up to meet mine, "your phone." I pinched my brows. Did she think I was going to cheat?

"It's in my pocket," I scoffed a laugh before it sank in.

"Turn it off, please," she whispered. "And give it to me." She still didn't trust me. She wasn't willing to take the chance of me videoing our exchange again, and I couldn't blame her. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my phone and powered it off before handing it to her. Taking the phone, she visibly relaxed as she shoved it under a stack of papers on the small coffee table. "You ready?" She smiled. I nodded.

She scratched out a problem and handed it to me. I read it and worked it out before finally jotting down my answer.

"Wrong," she said. I pursed my lips. Statistics and Probability sucked.

She slowly broke the problem down for me and then pointed to the next one. Sucking in a deep breath, I focused on the new problem. I read through it, working through it, trying to recall what she explained. Finally, I scratched the answer down and pushed the paper to her.

"Correct," she said, and when my gaze flicked up to her, she grabbed the hem of her pink tank and pulled it over her head. I let my eyes trail over her full tits spilling out of her light purple lace bra and down to her tight and toned stomach. This was going to be harder than I thought because now all I could think about was touching and tasting her.

Okay, Maddox, focus. Do not let the topless women next to you distract you from your end goal.The end goal was her naked in my bed.

"Next," I groaned, and she slid another problem to me. Twisting so I couldn't see her in my peripheral view, I focused on the question, slowly working through it again, recalling everything she'd taught me before I scratched down the answer.

"Correct." She smiled, pushing to her feet and slowly sliding out of her shorts.

"I fucking love this game," I said, my gaze roaming over her tanned legs and heart-shaped ass. She laughed before sinking back onto the couch beside me. "Next." She was coming out of that bra next. She scratched out the problem and slid it to me.

I worked through the next problem, but her bare skin brushing against mine was a major distraction. When I thought I had it, I scratched out the answer and slid it to her.

"Wrong." She sighed, reaching down and pulling back on her tight pink tank.
