Page 71 of You Broke Me First

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"What the fuck?" I muttered. "I fucking hate this game."

"Focus." She laughed. "Try this one."

Okay, Parker, question five. You've got this! You want to see them boobies.

I answered the next two questions right, and as long as I kept my eyes focused on the paper and away from her naked chest, I was going to knock this out of the park, and we were going to my room.

"Two more." She smirked. "I'll be naked, and you can tell me exactly what you want me to do to you," she whispered against my ear like someone else was in the room to hear us. There wasn't, but now I was more determined than ever.

Next question... "Correct." Fuck yeah! Last question... "Correct."

I didn't waste a second pushing off the couch. I twisted around and grabbed her by her naked waist, throwing her bare ass over my shoulder. She squealed as I stormed towards my bedroom, trying to decide exactly what I wanted to do with her.



Tomorrow was my final class before I had all one-hundred and twenty credits required to graduate with my Bachelor's in Communication with a Minor in Sports Media with a 4.0 GPA. I still had one last graduation requirement to meet before I could walk in the Spring. A requirement that was becoming harder and harder to reach.

A twelve-week internship, and I was running out of time if I wanted to graduate on time.

I found out today that I didn't get the internship I hoped for at a local sports broadcasting company. I'd applied to about half a dozen internships but hadn't been any of their first picks in a male-dominated industry. I knew this would be a complicated field, but I never expected to have zero internship offers months before graduation.

So, it looked like I'd continue working as the Supervisor over the tutoring department and helping with the School's sports broadcasting occasionally until another opportunity presented itself. I was hoping and praying something else came up, or I wouldn't walk with my class in the Spring.

Curling up on the couch, I flicked on the TV to watch Maddox's game since I couldn't be there. The game was hours ago, and I already knew they won, but I'd been working, so I couldn't watch it then.

My phone chimed, and I reached forward, grabbing it off the table. A slow smile spread across my face when I saw Maddox's name pop up on the screen.

Maddox: I wish you were here.

He'd left for Jersey three days ago. It was the longest we'd been apart since he'd come back into my life.

I started to type out a response, but my phone vibrated with another message.

Maddox: WYD?

Addison: Watching your game.

Maddox: Alone?

Addison: Yes.

Maddox: Do you miss me?

I did miss him, more than I'd like to admit even to myself, and it was terrifying.

Addison: Maybe... Although, it has been nice not having to wrestle the covers from a blanket thief every night.

That part was partly nice, but the truth was my bed was cold and lonely without him. Before him, I didn't know any different. Chance never stayed the night. We never went out. I was the ultimate booty call, and I hadn't even realized it.

Maddox: The only blanket thief in this relationship is you...

He added three laughing emojis, and I couldn't help but smile.

Maddox: What are you wearing?

My smile faded as I reread the text. It was a simple, playful, flirtatious question. It was a question that most couples asked, but for me, it just brought back memories of the past, the past where Maddox betrayed my trust, and as badly as I wanted to forgive and forget about that part of my past, in times like this, I couldn't. Even knowing it wasn't him that sent it out. It started with him and a bet, and it only happened because of videos he held on to for that purpose.
