Page 83 of You Broke Me First

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Maddox's home was exactly what I would imagine an NFL star quarterback's house would look like. It was massive and luxurious, and I couldn't wait to explore it. The guest room I was staying in was bigger than my whole apartment, with a large walk-in closet that I could never afford to fill with clothes, a large bay window that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico, and, the best part, a private bathroom.

I strolled around the house, taking a few pictures for the blog while waiting for Maddox to return. The house didn't look lived in. It looked like a place where he slept in passing. The house was dull with no personalization, but it nearly stole my breath away when I stepped out onto the back patio, which overlooked the bay and the breathtaking sunset.

Sinking onto the concrete patio ground, I slipped my feet into the pool's cold water when my phone chimed.

It was Maddy.

"Hey," I said, pulling the phone to my ear.

"I'm in desperate need of retail therapy," she said, not bothering with pleasantries. "Can you meet me downtown in twenty? We can do dinner after?"

After Maddy graduated, she moved to New York and into the same apartment complex as me, and we were pretty much inseparable. She started her own business in fashion about six months ago after working for one of the best designers in New York, and she was pretty successful. She was currently dating an NBA superstar, but it was still new, and they were keeping it quiet.

"I can't." I groaned. "I'm in Florida."

"Florida?" she repeated. "What the hell for?"

"Work," I said, trying to avoid explaining the details.

"Hmmm," she said, and I could see her face pinching with suspicion. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping she wouldn't push the subject. I typically told Maddy everything, but I knew she would be excited that I was here to see Maddox. Even though we didn't discuss it much, I knew Maddy believed Maddox was my soulmate, but I knew better. This was just another job, and after I would never see him again. "What story is in Florida?" I inwardly groaned. She was too nosey not to ask, and I was sure she knew Maddox was in Florida.

I might as well come clean. She followed all my social media, so she would find out soon anyway.

"I'm doing a six-week exclusive with Maddox."

"What?" she said, her tone filled with excitement. "No way."

"It's not what you think, Maddy," I warned, picturing her jumping in little circles like she did when she was excited. "Trust me; it's not."

"Whatever you say, Addison," she said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. "Tell Maddox I said hi, and you better call me every day with the details."

"I'll call you tomorrow. Have fun shopping."

We disconnected, and I stared into the sunset, kicking my feet in the water. I didn't have the heart to tell her Maddox hated me. I honestly wasn't sure I could say the words out loud without breaking into tears.

The sun had disappeared entirely before Maddox finally showed up.

"This deal isn't going to work if you cut me out of everything," I said dryly when I felt his presence behind me.

"I had something I had to take care of privately," he said, and I twisted to face him, pulling my legs out of the water. "But now I'm an open book." I nodded as he strolled towards me, sinking onto one of the lawn chairs beside me. "There is something I left out of the agreement that I need to bring up before we officially start."

"Okay," I said, drawing out the word, mentally preparing myself for whatever he was about to throw at me.

"As you know, the media has taken a huge interest in me this last year, and when they get word or hear rumors that we are," he paused, pressing his lips into a thin line as he searched for the right words, "a couple, or friends or I don't know, if they think you have access to me, they will stop at nothing to get the story."

"Maddox," I chuckled, "I am the press. I think I can handle a few reporters."

"I don't think you understand, Addy," he said, his brows pinched as he leaned forward, placing his forearms on his legs and folding his hands together in front of him. "These reporters are relentless and will stop at nothing to get their story. So, I would prefer that you don't go anywhere alone while you are here."

"Maddox, I think you're being a little dramatic."

"They ran Becca off the road to get to me," he snapped, and my mouth fell open. "Yes, I'm sure." He answered my unasked question. "And if something happened to you because of me, I would never forgive myself. So, for the next six weeks while you are here with me or on the road, I would prefer you didn't go anywhere alone." Did that mean we would spend every waking minute together, and what about games when he was playing? I wasn't sure how that would work. "I have a security team for times when I'm not with you or if you need a break from me."

"Okay," I agreed. We sat silently for several minutes when it hit me—his girlfriend, Becca. Would she be pissed I was living here? "What about Becca? Is she going to be upset I'm staying here because I'm not really into girl drama."

"Becca and I broke up a while ago," he said. "She wasn't the one for me." His gaze flicked from the starry night sky to me. "I'm surprised you didn't know that. What kind of gossip girl are you?"

"Not a very good one." I laughed. "Well, not when he comes to you, anyway. I've avoided your name on my blog for the last year and made it a point to stay out of your personal life."
