Page 84 of You Broke Me First

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I shrugged. "Respect for you, I guess. I hate gossip. It always feels so wrong, but it's the job. It's bad enough I have to gossip about other people, but I couldn't do it to you." That wasn't the whole truth, but there was no need to tell him that it hurt too much seeing him happy with someone else.

"But you can now?"

"I don't have a choice." I sighed. "And I'm doing my best to do it under your terms. I have no intentions of painting you to be a bad guy." He smiled, his gaze flicking back out to the ocean. "So, tell me, boss, where do we start?"

"I have a date tonight," he smiled, his gaze locking on mine. "Will you be joining us?"

Shit. That was exactly where I didn't want to start.



Sliding onto the bar stool, I glanced over my shoulder at Maddox and his date, Victoria. Even though I knew I shouldn't torture myself, my gaze trailed over them. She was exactly the type of woman I'd expect him to be with, tall, thin, blonde, expensive store-bought boobs, tanned skin, full red lips, and a smile that matched his. She was beautiful. She wore a tight, short, sparkling silver dress, and he wore a black suit with a white button-up open at the collar. They looked like they belonged together, and I looked like I couldn't even afford to eat here.

"What can I get you?" the tall, dark-haired bartender asked.

"A shot of something strong, please," I muttered, twisting back to glance at Maddox and his beautiful date in the dark corner booth. I knew I shouldn't drink liquor. I should stick to sipping a beer or a mixed drink, but I needed something to help me get through this night.

If I could make it through this, the rest of the six weeks should be a piece of cake, right? Well, unless he brought her home, because then I'd need something a lot stronger.

"Any preference?" the bartender asked. My gaze flicked back to him as I shook my head. He grabbed a shot glass and filled it with something clear. I threw the shot back, wincing as I let the liquor burn my throat, slammed the glass down, and asked for another.

"Keep 'em coming." I smiled before my gaze flicked back to Maddox and his blonde-haired, blue-eyed date. She leaned into him, flashing a perfect white smile, and I was almost certain he could see her massive fake boobs down her ridiculously low-cut top.

Pulling out my phone, I flicked a couple of pictures that made the two look intimate but not inappropriate.

"Is this seat taken?" a deep voice asked, and my gaze flicked to a dark-haired older man. He was a few inches taller than me and thin with dark brown eyes and a heavy five-o'clock shadow. He was attractive, but he lacked that sex appeal that Maddox oozed.There I go again, comparing another man to Maddox. It was something I'd done since I walked away from him in high school. A habit I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to break.

"No," I said, sliding my purse and drinks out of his way.

"Why is such a pretty girl here all by herself?" he asked, and I realized he was flirting. Typically, I would get up and walk away because I wasn't interested, and I still wasn't, but maybe some company tonight would be nice to help ease the pain of watching Maddox with his date. "Are you waiting for someone?"

"No." I smiled.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, and I nodded. He ordered two drinks once he caught the bartender's attention. "So, do you live around here?"

"No," I answered before taking a sip of my drink. "I'm here on business. You?"

"I'm here on business too." He smiled, raising his glass before taking a sip. "Where are you from?"

"New York," I said, fighting the urge to look back at Maddox. I'd gotten my pictures; I didn't need to torture myself anymore. "You?"

"Chicago," he said. "I'm Daniel."


Daniel and I swapped career stories, discussed our likes and interests, and about three drinks ago, he increased his flirt level to a ten, but I didn't mind. It was nice to feel like someone wanted me, even for only one night.

"Do you want to get out of here?" he asked. "I have a room across the street."


His offer was clear even if he didn't say it. He was asking if I wanted to have sex with him. I wanted to have sex, but unfortunately, I didn't think it was him I wanted to have it with.

Maddox and I hadn't discussed my dating or personal life, but I assumed it would be nonexistent during this job because Maddox asked me not to go anywhere alone, which would be uncomfortable for everyone.
