Page 85 of You Broke Me First

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"Maddox," Victoria snapped. "Did you hear me?"

"What," I said, my gaze flicking back to her. "Yes, I heard you." I hadn't heard her. I was hyper-focused on Addison and her new friend at the bar. I shouldn't care that he was leaning into her, breathing in her scent. I shouldn't care that she was smiling at him the way she used to smile at me, but I did.

"Maddox," Victoria snapped again when my gaze flicked back toward the bar. "Am I boring you?" The answer was yes; she was boring me. I'd been out with Victoria before, and the only reason I'd asked her back out tonight was that I knew she'd say yes, and I wanted Addison to see that I moved on without her, but since Mr. too fucking handsy slid in next to her she hadn't even looked back.

"Look," I forced an apologetic smile, "I'm not feeling well. Why don't I get you an Uber, and we can do this again another night?"

Victoria's gaze followed my line of sight. "I can get my own Uber," she hissed, sliding out of the booth and storming off.

"Good," I muttered; some of the tension in my shoulders relaxed as I slid out and strolled towards Addy.

"Addison," I said, stepping up behind her.

"Oh," she hiccuped, twisting her shoulders to see me. Her full pink lips curled into a smile. "Hey, Maddox." My gaze flicked from her to the man leaning too close to her. "This is..." She trailed off. The corners of my lips curled into a smirk. She couldn't remember his name, and this poor fool thought he was getting lucky tonight.

Not a fucking chance.

"Daniel," he finished for her.

"Yeah," she slurred. "Danny. This is Danny."

"We should go," I said, more as a command than a suggestion.

"Oh." She pouted an apologetic smile when her hazy gaze flicked back to him. "I gotta go."

"Hey," he raised his voice, pushing out of his chair, "I thought we were hanging out tonight." I expected his rash tone to be directed toward me, but my entire posture changed when it was directed at her.

Stepping between Addison and Danny, I leaned in so only he could hear me. "Lower your voice when you speak to her." He leaned back, eyes wide as the threat sank in. "Because I give zero fucks about wearing orange for the rest of my life." I huffed a laugh, stepping back and cocking my head to the side. "Besides, Danny Boy, you didn't really think a girl like her was going home with you, did you?"

"I..." he trailed off as his jaw clenched and face tightened with anger.

"But thanks for keeping her company for me, Danny Boy." I winked, slapping him on the shoulder before I slid an arm around Addison's waist, pulling her out of her chair.

"I think I maybe had too much to drink," Addy slurred. "They were really good drinks, though. They tasted like candy." My gaze flicked down to her as her tongue swept across her lips. I wanted to taste her, to taste the drink of her lips, but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't go down that road with her again.

Clearing my throat, I led her to my truck, helping her in before we headed back to my place.

Part of me was relieved she was passed out when we got home, but the other part knew I'd have to carry her inside. Which meant her body pressed against mine.

This wasn't how I saw the night going.

Carrying her into the house, I held my breath, careful not to breathe in her scent. I laid her on the sofa, threw a blanket over her, and sank onto the couch across from her. Kicking off my shoes and putting my feet up, I relaxed, my gaze locked on Addy. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I closed my eyes and let my head fall back against the couch.

The next six weeks were going to be torture. I shouldn't have agreed to this. I should have given her an interview and continued with my life, but a small part of me wasn't ready to say goodbye again.

"Hey, Maddox," she slurred.

"Hmm," I hummed, not bothering to open my eyes.

"I missed you," she whispered, and my heart clenched. Lifting my head, my gaze locked on her, and as if I was pulled to her by some magnetic force, I pushed off the couch, moving to her without even realizing what I was doing.

My chest rose and fell with deep, slow breaths as our gazes locked and her lips parted. My hands twitched with a desperate need to touch her, to brush the dark strand of hair out of her face, grab her face, and kiss her so hard I stole all the air from her lungs.

Clenching my fist at my side, I twisted away from her and stormed to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.
