Page 89 of You Broke Me First

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"You guys just got here." Derek smiled, his gaze locked on me.

"Let's go, Addison," Maddox repeated; this time, his tone was deadly and aimed toward Derek.

"I gotta go." I smiled.

"I'll text you my number." He smiled. I nodded, offering a tight smile because Maddox was shooting daggers.

He opened my car door, and I hopped in. Maddox jogged to the driver's side, slid in, slammed the door, and started his truck, but he didn't move.

"Did he ask you out?" Maddox said, his hands gripping the steering wheel as he stared straight forward.

"Derek?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. He nodded. "Yes, but I told him I was busy right now."

"You gave him your number?" he asked.

"Yes, he said if I had any downtime to call him and we could meet up."

His gaze flicked to me, and if I didn't know any better, I would have thought I saw a challenge accepted flash across his face, but I knew he didn't care about me. Not anymore.



Addison followed me through the front door; I kicked my shoes off and strolled into the kitchen. It had been a long day, and I was exhausted. My agent was furious that I'd agreed to this exclusive with Addison. She thought it would end badly with my reputation on the line, but I trusted Addison. Even with our complicated past, I knew she wouldn't purposely hurt my career or reputation.

Addison's phone chimed, and I glanced at the phone on the counter. It was an unknown text.

Addison strolled into the kitchen, pulling her long dark hair up into a ponytail, already changed into a tiny tank and a pair of short, pink boxer shorts.

She reached across the counter, her full tits spilling out of the top of her tank when she leaned forward on her forearms, clicking on her phone. It took every ounce of willpower to restrain myself from reaching out and touching her.

She smiled at the phone, and I knew it was him. Brady texted her. He was a smooth talker, and he wouldn't waste any time if he was interested in her. She would be too busy to have time for him or anyone else. For the next six weeks, she was all mine.

I dropped a heavy stainless steel pan on the granite, and she jumped, her gaze flicking up and locking on mine. Derek didn't know our past. He didn't know I'd been in love with Addison since our first kiss. Hell, I didn't even know, but I needed them to know. I needed them to know she was off-limits.

"Set everything up," I muttered, not bothering to hide my annoyance. "We're doing a live-in ten."

"Now?" she snapped, checking the time on her phone. "It's after ten p.m."

"No, in ten minutes," I corrected her. "We are going to discuss us and our past."

"What?" She scowled. "Why would we do that? My followers aren't expecting me to go live until tomorrow morning."

"Then it will be a surprise." I smirked.

"But, why, Maddox?" she snapped. "This exclusive isn't about us. It's about you."

I opened my mouth but then snapped it shut, pressing my lips into a thin line because I couldn't tell her the real reason. I couldn't tell her I wanted the whole world to know she was mine, even if she wasn't right now. "I think transparency is the best way to go with this."

She shook her head, and I twisted, grabbing her iPad off the counter and sliding it over to her.

"The media is going to dig into this now that it's out there." I sighed. "It's better if we get ahead of this now so we can spin this how we want to." Some of that was true, but mostly, I wanted everyone to know she had been mine and that we had an unfinished past.

"So, this was your agent's idea." She scowled. I didn't answer. Casey wanted me to kick her out and never speak to her again. "So you want to tell everything: the pictures, the hurt, the heartbreak? You want to come clean about everything."

"Yes." This was going to piss Casey off, but I didn't care.

"I'm not dressed anymore." She crossed her arms over her chest shoving her tits higher.
