Page 90 of You Broke Me First

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"You look beautiful," I said, my gaze locked on hers. "But if you want to change, you have ten minutes."

"Maddox." She sighed. Pausing her gaze locked on me as she bit her lip. God, I wanted to pull her into me and claim that lip she was chewing on. "You're right. Let me get everything ready. Is the patio good?" I nodded. "Do you want to go over our story before we go live?" I shook my head. "So, the truth." I nodded.

Twenty minutes later, we were sitting side by side on the patio in front of her iPad.

"You ready?" Addison asked. "I'm going to let you take the lead on this. You can give as much or as little information as you want."

"Let's do it." I nodded.

She leaned forward, clicking the button to go live, and we waited silently for several long minutes.

"Hey guys, it's Addison, and we are doing a surprise live tonight," she said, brushing a strand of loose hair from her face. The ocean breeze was strong tonight. "Maddox and I realized there might be some questions about our past, so we decided to do a live to answer those questions."

1.9k watching...

"So Maddox is going to tell you a little about how we met, and I'll try to catch some of your questions as we go." Addison's gaze flicked to me. I hated being in front of the camera.

"Addison and I met in high school." I smiled. "I was on the football team, and she was my tutor."

3.2k watching...

My gaze flicked over to her. "She was the prettiest girl I'd ever seen." Her gaze locked on mine as a soft smile played on her lips. The wind blew the loose strand into her face, and I reached out, sliding it behind her ear and, for a brief minute, her eyes closed, and she leaned into my touch. "But I was a stupid teenager and broke her heart."

5.5k watching...

"Fast forward four years, and we are in the same situation. I played football, and she was my tutor, and she was still the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. We made up, and then she got an internship over a thousand miles away. She left and broke my heart."

8.2k watching...

"Why don't we take a couple of questions?" Addison said. I leaned forward and scrolled through the millions of comments.

"Okay, the first question is for Addison. Are you living in Maddox's house?"

"Yes, I am. I'm with Maddox every waking minute," she paused, her gaze flicking to me and then back to the screen, "with a few exceptions. This is an all-exclusive interview. We want to learn who the real Maddox Parker is."

"Next question," I said, scrolling again. "Will you do the next live during his shower?"

17.1k watching...

"The bathroom and his bedroom are part of those exceptions." Addison smiled.

"Are you still in love with Addison?" I read, and my mouth parted. I couldn't answer that. I couldn't say the words out loud because then it was out there, and it would crush me if she didn't feel the same.

65.7k watching...

"Well, guys, that's all the time we have for tonight," Addison interrupted. "Be sure to log in tomorrow morning for Maddox's early morning workout." She hit the button, ending the live.

She opened her social media page and gasped. "Holy shit, Maddox." She jumped up, and I followed her.


"I just hit one million followers," she squealed, throwing her arms around me.

"That's good, I guess," I said, distracted by her scent. She smelled like the ocean breeze mixed with a hint of vanilla.

"That's amazing," she squealed, pulling out of the embrace. I didn't want to let go, but I did, dropping my arms to my side. "I struggled to break five hundred thousand, and now I'm at one million." Her smile was contagious, and I found myself matching her energy. "We should get some sleep. I don't want to miss your workout tomorrow." I nodded, and she collected her things before disappearing into the house.

Sitting underneath the starry night sky, watching her through the large window put away her things in the kitchen, I decided I wanted her back. I didn't want to share her, and I had six weeks to remind her how she felt about me—six weeks to bring back all the feelings we had for each other.
