Page 91 of You Broke Me First

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I got up and ready for the gym before sunrise, just like I did every day. Pushing through the kitchen doorway, I was surprised to see Addison already up and working on her iPad, her legs curled up in the chair as she sipped her coffee.

She was fucking beautiful. Her dark hair was pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head, with no makeup, her large black framed glasses covering her eyes, and she wore an oversized t-shirt and very short gym shorts.

"Good morning." She smiled when she spotted me.

"You're up early," I said, reaching for the blender to mix my protein shake.

"Didn't want to miss out on anything this morning," she said, focused on her screen. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"I'll be doing my workout this morning," I said. "And then packing. We have to be at the airport by one p.m. to catch the flight."

"I was going to do a live tour of your house today, but I'll do a live of your workout routine and then a few questions. Maybe we can go live again after we land and settle into our rooms." She pushed out of her chair and strolled toward the sink. Her tanned and toned legs were bare. She rinsed and washed her coffee cup before setting it on the drying rack. "I'm excited to get pictures for the site today so your fans can see what it's like traveling with you."

"Are you ready?" I smirked. I had a plan for today, and I hoped it worked.

Twenty minutes later, Addison was set up and hitting the live button.

"Hey guys." Addison smiled into the camera. "I know it's early, but you will not regret waking up to join us this morning." I popped into view shirtless. "This morning, Maddox Parker is giving us an up close and personal view of his workout routine." Her gaze flicked to me. "You ready, Maddox?"

2.5k watching...

"Actually, I have a better idea." I smirked, my gaze flicking from Addison to the camera. "How about we get Addison out here to work out with me this morning? Who wants to see Addison work out with me?"

6.7k watching...

"What? No." She laughed. "You guys don't want to see me make a fool out of myself."

The comment section exploded.

"Looks like they do." I smirked, my gaze flicking from the screen to Addison. Rolling her eyes, she blew out a sigh.

12.3k watching...

"Oh, why not." She shrugged. "But you guys have to promise not to laugh if I embarrass myself." She pointed to the camera as she pulled her glasses off and set them on the table, holding the iPad. "Where do we start?"

"We start with cardio to get the heart pumping." I smiled, pointing to the treadmill. Addison twisted the camera so that we would still be in view.

Addison stepped onto the treadmill, and I stepped on behind her. I expected her to flinch or question my motives, but she didn't. I set the treadmill to a fast walk. She held onto the treadmill railing, and I curled my fingers around her hips like my hands were made for them.

Five minutes into the workout, Addison shredded the t-shirt, wearing only a sports bra and her tiny workout shorts. Part of me wanted to go all caveman and end the live, throw her over my shoulder, carry her into the house, and fuck her until she remembered that it was me she wanted. I didn't want to share her with the world, but this was her job, and she wasn't mine, not yet, anyway.

"Okay, sit," I said, straddling the weight-lifting bench. "We're going to do curls." She threw a leg over and dropped down onto the bench in front of me. My hands curled around her waist as I jerked her back flush against me. My gaze raked over the delicate curve of her throat as a bead of sweat trailed down. Fuck, I wanted her, but I couldn't not unless she was mine. I couldn't put myself through that again if she wasn't truly all in. "Take the weight," I breathed against the side of her face. Her breath hitched, but I wasn't sure if it was me or the impact of the weight in her hand. "Curl." My hands slid down her arm past her elbows to her wrists as I helped her curl the weight.

We spent the next hour going through my entire workout routine. Every chance I had to touch her, I did. Every chance I had to hold her against me, I took it, but she didn't seem fazed by the contact, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the camera or if I didn't have the same effect on her that I used to have.

105.2k watching...

"That's a wrap, guys." Addison panted, wiping the sweat from her forehead. "Sorry we don't have time for any questions this morning, but if we get a chance later, we'll try to pop on and grab some of those questions. Thanks for watching. If you're not following me yet, make sure you do so you don't miss any of our surprise lives." She pressed the towel to her neck. "Keep an eye out for a picture dump in the next few days as I travel with Maddox to St. Louis for their next big game. Bye, guys."

230k watching...

She ended the live.

"Wow," Addison said, a smile spreading across her face. "At five in the morning, two hundred and thirty thousand people logged in to watch you work out."
