Page 59 of Falling Shadows

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Darting around the boulder as fast as possible, I plant my hands firmly against the smashed remains and push with everything I have. My arms burn, my palms cutting against the ragged edges, but it starts to move. I need to be quicker for this to work, though.

I’m going to need to throw all of my weight at it. Now.

Dropping my arms, I tilt to my side, slam my eyes shut, and throw my shoulder into the boulder with all of my strength. I grunt at the initial contact, the pain crippling, but I don’t stumble backward. I continue moving as the boulders crumble.

Solace consumes me, but it’s short-lived as the rumbling comes to a stop and the boulders settle. If it worked, the water will start to drain. If it didn’t, I’m up on a silver platter, ready for the siren to claim.

Disoriented, I can’t fight any longer. I curl up on the boulder I landed on, water lapping at my body as pain takes over, and await my fate. Shallow breaths are all I can manage.

One… two… three…

Nothing. She’s coming for me.

Four… five… six…

At least I can say I tried.

Seven… eight… nine…

I went down fighting.

Ten… eleven…

The water retreats, forcing me to push up with my good hand. Too scared to get my hopes up, I remain locked in place until only a pool remains at the far end again. Swallowing feels like nails slicing at my throat, it’s that raw.

I try to stand, but I really did throw all of myself at the damn thing.Allof my strength, and now I’m feeling the repercussions of that. Cradling my weak arm, I manage to get down from the boulder and make my way to the edge of the pit closest to the first years. I can see people clapping and a gentle hum of cheers, but the moss in my ears dulls it all.

My eyes lock on the three Bishops, who race down the steps to greet me with Leila hot on their heels and, as much as I’m appreciative of their presence, my eyes are fixed on a lone Bishop.


I survived the Gauntlet. I’m still breathing, still here, and undefeated as a Void.

I made it.

And it’s all because of the guy who hates me the most.



I’m swamped with pain, but I refuse to leave, insisting on watching the final first years face the dread and terror of the pit. Zane gently rubs small, comforting circles at the base of my spine, Creed’s hand doing the same on my knee as I focus all my attention on not throwing up.

I feel clammy and, even after the final first year survives the Gauntlet, I can’t bring myself to rise to my feet and clap along with everyone. Brax remains seated in front of me but he doesn’t turn around. He hasn’t glanced at me once or responded to my tap on his shoulder.

Of course I owe my thanks to the most complex person I have ever had to deal with. I’m sure, deep down, he’s loving that he can hang this over me.

I wince with pain again, unable to hear the professor who draws the entire mess to a close, and everyone starts to filter out. I decide it’s better to stay seated until everyone else leaves. Leila and the Bishops don’t try to encourage me to my feet or coax me back to the changing rooms, which is a telling sign that I’m not hiding my pain and discomfort as well as I had hoped.

Eldon braces his hand on my shoulder when the masses have almost gone. “I’m going to go and grab someone real quick. Meet you back at the locker room, okay? Take your time.”

He doesn’t wait for a response, disappearing through the exit as Zane offers me his hand. Taking a deep breath, I lace my fingers with his and take his assistance as I manage to stand. My weak arm is tucked in tight against my body and he instinctively stands protectively at that side.

Creed leads the way to the end of the row, waiting on the stairs as I take slow, measured steps. Everything hurts so fucking much, I just want to pass out, but that’s not an option for me right now when I have to act unfazed.

My legs get shaky as I ascend the steps, and I must be walking too slowly because Brax eventually stomps past me, taking the remaining stairs four at a time to leave. Guilt melds with annoyance in my gut, but I push it to the back of my mind as I reach the exit.
