Page 81 of Destined Shadows

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He directs us out to a less crowded spot, but I make sure to check on Raven and the guys and I’m relieved to see them managing it too. Raven grins every time, pleased with herself, and it warms my little black heart.

Turning away from them, I focus on Dolby, preparing myself for the attack I know is coming. “I have ice magic. Do you have physical magic or do you need to use a weapon for this part?”

“I can summon my sword,” I offer, not actually disclosing my magic to him, and he waves me off.

“Let’s work on you blocking a few times first, then we can start alternating.”

He warns me the first time that a blast of ice is coming and I just about manage to block him in time. The second time, he starts to count down from five, and by the fifth go, he hits me in the arm with ice because I couldn’t get the magic to form quickly enough.

“Fuck,” I grunt, irritated more than anything, as he looms above me with a hand out for me to take.

“You’re not thinking about the important stuff again. Try not to focus on me. Focus on that,” he offers as I roll my shoulder out, grunting in agreement.

Turning to face him head-on again, I pause, frowning when I can hear a commotion coming from across the field. Searching for the noise, I still when I see pink hair splayed out across the grass and realize that Raven is flat on her back.

“What the fuck?”

I’m moving before I even decide if I should intervene, but even if it was an accident, I’m about to lay someone the fuck out. As I near, I frown when I notice the fourth-year Raven had been working with is lying still on the floor.

As Raven rushes to her feet, it quickly becomes clear that she’s trapped between Sebastian and Genie. How the hell did that happen?

“Take the left, Creed, I’ll take the right,” Zane hollers, and I don’t bother to look where he actually is. I can’t take my gaze away from Raven. I just have to hope that means Brax and Eldon are coming at them, too, because these fuckers need to be stopped.

As I near Sebastian, he throws a huge gust of wind at Raven, knocking her straight back off her feet without pause, and I snarl. Focusing on him, I exhale, channeling my magic, and a beat later, he stills, hands dropping to his side as his chin slams against his chest.

It’s one thing to prevent him from hurting her anymore. It’s something else entirely to make sure he damn well pays for it. A gut-wrenching scream breaks from the fucker’s lips as he drops to his knees, head in his hands, tugging at the strands of his hair as he writhes in pain.

“Creed,” Brax hollers, and I almost consider ignoring him and finishing the fucker off, but if Raven needs me, I know that’s more important. Leaving him in agony, I search for pink hair to find her hovering over Genie while Raven’s fourth-year friend lays injured on the floor beside them.

“What did I miss?” I grumble, falling into step with Eldon as we hurry toward them. The entire practice has come to a halt as they watch the drama unfold. “Raven,” I breathe when I’m within arms reach. I don’t touch her, though. She’s standing stock still, a wrinkle of confusion marking her forehead. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. She used her magic to launch the rock at me,” she explains, pointing down at the object beside Genie. “I touched it, Creed, and in the next breath, I was hurling it toward her.” Her voice lowers with her admission so no one but me and Eldon can hear.

“What the hell is the meaning of all this? We shouldn’t be attacking one another when there’s a battle brewing on our fucking doorstep,” Fitch snarls, looking from Genie to Raven and then the screaming ball of pain that is Sebastian. Reluctantly, I slip from his mind, and the noise stops, letting Fitch release a sigh of relief. “We’re done for the night. Everyone go home,” he grunts, stomping off without actually checking anyone. “Leila. Now.”

Turning my full attention back to Raven, Brax and Zane step in closer to form a protective circle around our girl. “I don’t know what any of this means,” she murmurs, more focused on what she just did instead of why they attacked her. It’s nothing new with them, I just didn’t expect it to happen while we were training with the Guild.


“So you touched her magic?” I ask, and she nods. “And when Brax tried to delve into your mind, you projected into his instead, right?”


“That would explain why it didn’t work with Eldon afterward,” I surmise, thinking out loud.

“What would?” Raven asks, turning to me with furrowed eyebrows and concern flashing in her blue eyes.

“Mirror magic.”

“Mirror magic?” Isn’t that what Rhys mentioned…

“Yeah. I think you can replicate the magic of those around you.”



Every morning, I wake up with something new on the agenda. Every morning, I wake up with a to-do list longer than the day before. Every morning, I wake up wondering what’s next on the horizon. But above all else, I wake up every morning wanting my men more and more desperately than the day before.
