Page 7 of Her Hunky Scrooge

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“My place?” I asked. “It’s a bit of a drive. About twenty minutes.”

She shrugged and smiled. “If you think you can wait that long.”

Fuck, I definitely couldn’t wait that long. But I had to, right?

The elevator doors slid open, and I grabbed her hand, fishing my keys from my pocket. I took long, quick strides toward my SUV. She was practically running to keep up, and I knew I should slow down, but my mind wasn’t controlling things here.

It’d taken everything I could to conceal my way-to-prominent bulge as I paid the bill and rushed from the lounge. All I could hope was that nobody noticed.

I opened the passenger door and waited for Carly to climb in, my gaze fixed on the hem of that coat. It was way too long. All I could see was a glimpse of her red-and-white striped calves. If not for the coat, I would have definitely gotten a peek at what was beneath that short skirt. The feel of her wet pussy around my fingers made me want to see, touch, and taste every inch of her.

By the time I made it around to my side of the vehicle, my cock was throbbing. I just had to take my mind off it. Maybe run some complicated math equations through my head or think about the deal I was about to close at work.

Once I settled onto the seat, though, it was clear we wouldn’t make the twenty-minute drive to my house. There was a topless woman in the passenger seat. She’d not only removed her coat but the top of that elf costume, as well.

Struggling to catch my breath, I reached over, shut the door, and assessed my surroundings. No visible security cameras, and we were in a deserted area. The nearest car was all the way at the other end of this floor. The town had pretty much emptied out for Christmas.

I shrugged out of my coat, tossing it in the backseat. Then I looked over at her, as though daring her to make the next move.

“I didn’t want to wait,” she said. “I hope that’s okay.”

I smiled. “More than okay. In fact, I agree. Why wait?”

I reached down and pressed the button to send my seat sliding backward. It didn’t move nearly fast enough, but Carly used that time to unbutton and unzip my pants. Once my seat was back, I helped her, pushing my pants and underwear down to my thighs.

Carly was touching me before I had the underwear all the way down. She stacked both her left and right hand, moving them up and down slowly, seductively. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling. But my eyes popped open again when she shuffled around, continuing to stroke with her right hand as she used her left to pull her hair back.

Then she bent over, pressing her tongue to my tip, slowly lapping up the bead of moisture. I squeezed my eyes closed and rested against the seat. I should stop her—I wanted to hold out as long as possible, after all. But this felt so, so good.

When I opened my eyes and looked down, I saw her eyes on me as she wrapped her mouth around me, flattening her tongue against the base of my erection. There was nothing I wanted more than to be inside this woman, and it was only partly sexual desire. It made little sense. We’d spent less than three hours together, total, but something told me I never wanted to be out of her company again.

Finally, I lifted her and adjusted her. She seemed to know exactly what I wanted.

She climbed across. At first, it was a little awkward, but then she was straddling me, that short skirt flaring out across my stomach and hips as she welcomed me inside. She stopped midway, though.

“There’s something I haven’t told you,” she said.

She was telling me something now, when I was halfway inside her? Whatever it was, it could wait. But she was shaking her head, and that trumped anything I might have planned to say.

“I’m a virgin,” she blurted. “You’re the first man to—”

She gestured toward the area where our bodies now joined. As it sank in that I was the first man to ever know what this felt like with her, the last of that wall around my heart crumbled. There was no point in fighting it. I was falling for this woman, fears be damned.

I gasped as something hit me. “A condom,” I said. “We can’t do this without a condom.”

Carly shook her head. “It’s okay. I’m on the pill. And you know I’m safe…if you are.”

The concern in her eyes went straight to my heart. She had every right to assume I’d been with lots of other women. A different one every night. Pleasure Valley’s entrepreneurs tended to carry a reputation, and I was no exception. There’d been rumors floating around about me for years.

“I haven’t done this in six years,” I said. “Since my wife died.”

I couldn’t believe I was actually saying those words while inside this woman, but it didn’t bother me. It probably should have, but suddenly the guilt that had been hovering over me for years slipped away.

“I was a horrible husband,” I said. “A workaholic. We were barely speaking by the time she died. It was like we lived under the same roof but had separate lives.”

Carly’s eyes widened. I hoped I wasn’t ruining any respect she might have had for me. I wouldn’t have blamed her if it did, though.

“She died suddenly,” I continued. “It was a brain aneurysm. I wasn’t home when it happened. I was at work, as always.” I rolled my eyes at my own incompetence as a husband. As a human. “I don’t want to talk about her right now, though.”
