Page 8 of Her Hunky Scrooge

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Her expression changed to compassion. She started to move off me, but I put my hands on her hips to still her. It was odd, but I felt like I could open up my heart, my soul…everything to her while we were in this position.

“If you want to stop this, I’ll understand,” I said.

Holding her here was not exactly what I meant to do. But she’d seemed into it until I killed the mood with my death talk.

She shook her head. “I don’t want to go anywhere, but I thought maybe you wanted to talk about it.”

I reached up with my right hand and ran my thumb along her jawline. Then I threaded my fingers through the hair at her nape and pulled her toward me.

Our mouths met in a long, hungry kiss that sent blood rushing straight to my shaft, no doubt recovering any erection I’d lost during our brief conversation. She wiggled a little, pushing me even deeper inside. I stayed as still as I could, letting her control the speed and get comfortable.

I didn’t mind. I was enjoying exploring her mouth with my tongue and running my hands over her nipples, then cupping her breasts. I couldn’t get enough of touching her, kissing her, being near her.

And then she was unbuttoning my shirt, baring my chest and shoving the fabric aside to press her breasts against my skin. I moaned at the contrast between the hard muscle of my chest and the soft, generous mounds now pressed tightly against it.

That was when I moved my hands to her thighs, sliding my right hand beneath that skirt and just above where the thigh-high red-and-white stockings ended. My thumb stroked her clit in small, rhythmic circles, only making her move faster, pumping up and down on my cock.

Finally, she broke the kiss and gasped, closing her eyes and throwing her head back. All I could do was watch, staring at that beautiful face, watching those perfect breasts bouncing with each move she made.

I easily held out until she came. I was too fascinated by the sight in front of me. She grabbed my shoulders and bit her bottom lip, crying out. Her tight, wet pussy clenching my cock was all it took to send me over the edge. I closed my eyes and let go, shuddering as I gripped her thighs tighter, sinking deeper and deeper into her.

It still wasn’t close enough. Yes, this was the woman for me. I could make love to her a thousand times a day and it still wouldn’t be enough. I couldn’t wait to get to know everything about her. I had a feeling the more I learned, the more in love with her I’d be.



The WorkBetter Spaces corporate offices were like a ghost town the week after Christmas. Most of the employees took the last week of the year off, traveling across the country to see loved ones. My family was in town, so I came in the three days we were open. It was a great time to get all my end-of-year work done.

I was hiding back here in the farthest corner of the office, hoping to escape notice. None of these desks had partitions, which meant I was visible to anyone who entered, if they chose to glance over here. But it also meant I could keep an eye on that front door. I’d know when Blake came in and went straight into his walled office.

It had been almost a week since Blake and I met in the break room downstairs. Five days filled with phone calls and flirty texts. Even on Christmas Day, we managed to find time to stay in touch. He’d been spending it with his mom in Kennewick…until today.

Tonight was our first official date. He was picking me up at my condo to take me to the nicest restaurant in town. That was where I’d finally tell him the secret I’d been keeping.

I winced as Blake finally breezed through the door and headed straight to his office. He didn’t glance in this direction, but if he had, I would have been toast.

I probably should have taken the week off, but by then it was too late to request it. Besides, I’d worked here a full year without him noticing me. What were the odds he’d spot me today?

I hunkered down and buried myself in work, staring intently at my laptop. I kept my peripheral vision focused on him while I worked. Any hint of him exiting that office and heading in this direction and I’d dive under the desk.

As lunchtime approached, I paid even more attention to his office. People breezed in and out, but he never showed his face. Not even to go to the bathroom.

My plan was to head to my car and drive somewhere for lunch. Brown-bagging it was too risky today, considering there was only one break room, and it was open to anybody in the building. There were vending machines and all kinds of reasons for someone like Blake Kincaid to breeze in and out of there.

No, I couldn’t risk it, but the problem was I’d have to pass his office to exit this office suite. All he’d have to do was look up and he’d see me. I’d have no explanation for why I was on this side of a very secure lock.

But as I was thinking about sneaking out, Laurie, the HR director who’d stuffed me into that elf costume, came walking toward me. Oh, crap. What if she asked about the costume? I’d cleaned it and hung it in my closet, hoping to maybe wear it for Blake again someday. But if she wanted it back, I’d have to explain why I’d taken it home.

But Laurie had a big smile on her face. “Are you coming?”

I frowned. “Where?”

“Mr. Kincaid bought pizza as a thank you for working this week. He’s bringing in lunch every day for us. Isn’t that nice?”

I didn’t respond. I just stared at her.

“Will he be there?”
