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“No way,” Justin said. “That’s awesome. Was he all lonely, drinking by himself in the days before Christmas?”

“I think he was,” I said. “But I was kind of lonely, too. It worked out.”

“You probably made him feel a lot better,” Justin told me.

I cringed internally. “I don’t know about that.”

“I’msureyou did. And actually, that was kind of why I was calling. I wanted to talk to you about my dad.”

In that moment my heart felt like it launched up to somewhere inside my throat.

Justin wanted to talk to me about his dad? Why? Was he onto me?

“You did?”

“I wanted to know if you’d be able to see him on Christmas,” Justin said.

A bit of relief hit me. Fear was replaced by confusion, though.


“I know you’re going to be busy with your mom and stuff,” Justin said. “But even if it was only for an hour, going to see Dad after your day with your family. Do you think you could swing it?”

I bit the inside of my cheek. “I mean, I’m not sure, Justin. Why do you think that would be a good idea?”

“This is the first year I’m not going to be home for Christmas. Not even for Christmas Eve, or any of the days afterward. I’m in Vegas now, then San Francisco for a few days, and then I have to go all the way up to Chicago. And I know my dad’s taking that really fucking hard, Casey, even if he won’t admit it to me. Helovesspending this time of the year with me.”

“Right,” I said, still surprised by everything he was telling me. “I just don’t know if he’d care at all to seeme. I mean, he barely knows me.”

It was a lie.

On one hand, I really didn’t know Rome all that well. But I sure as hell knew him better than Justin realized.

“We always get fresh baked cinnamon rolls from this Swiss bakery in downtown Denver,” Justin said. “My dad said he isn’t even going to bother with them this year. Listen, you don’t have to hang out with my dad, or anything. But you could bring him those cinnamon rolls, maybe? Make him feel like he’s not completely depressed and alone on that night?”

“I could,” I said.

“I would owe you, big time,” Justin said. “I have more frequent flier miles than I know what to do with, so I’ll book you a trip to Hawaii, or something.”

I puffed out a laugh. “You don’t have to repay methatmuch. Just get me some beers when you’re back in town.”

He laughed. “Fine, fine,” he said, sighing. “I really am just worried about him, Case. And you guys got along great at the tree lot.”

“Of course,” I said. “I like your dad. Quite a lot, actually.”

Justin snorted. “Hey, you should just date him. That’ll solve everyone’s problems, right?”

I swore I would have melted into a fucking puddle of molten lava if I hadn’t been walking outside in the cold.

“Justin, don’t joke about that shit—”

“What?” he said, on one of his riffs, now. “You’d finally get a boyfriend, he’d get a new chapter in life, and I’d get to stop worrying about my poor, lonely father. What? It would be a total win-win situation if you dated my dad.”

He was giggling about it on the other end of the phone, amusing himself while I felt like I was going to explode.

“Quit it,” I said. “Did you take magic mushrooms over there in Vegas, or something? You’re nuts.”

“You’ve always needed to loosen up a little,” he protested. “Come on. It’s not like I’m some prude.”
