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“I’m having fun and wanted to say hello to you. You haven’t been texting back or returning calls.”

“Sorry, I’ve been super busy.”

“There’s a certain tiny redhead here who’s beendyingto say hello to her Uncle Auggie all week.” Mom chuckles at something off screen. “Yes, love. Okay, he’s all yours.”

My bespectacled, five-year-old niece, Ripley, grabs the phone and overtakes my screen. “Hi, Uncle Auggie!”

“Hey, there, cutie pie! What’s new?”

It’s all Ripley needs. Without further prompting, she tells meeverythinggoing on in her happy life. Everythingabout the amazing time she’s been having with Grandma Gigi and Grampy during their visit.

“Wow, that’s so cool,” I say.

“Who’sdat?” Ripley asks, her little eyebrows raised behind her glasses. She points at Charlotte sitting next to me, half visible on my screen.

“That’s my friend, Charlotte.”

“She’s pretty. She has hair like Mommy and me.”

“Yes, she does. Charlotte.” I nudge her leg. “Say hi to my niece, Ripley.”

Charlotte says hello, and what follows is a much lengthier chat with Ripley, and then my mother, and then my whole family, than I’d ever intended or foreseen.

“How did you two meet?” Mom asks Charlotte. She’s the one holding the phone now. The group is doing exactly what we are—they’re sitting around an outdoor fire feature in Max and Marnie’s stunning back yard with a bottle of wine.

“We’re neighbors, actually,” Charlotte says. “I just moved into the building.”

“Oh, howwonderful,” Mom says, her face aglow.

Uh oh. Time for me to change the subject. Mom is clearly pumped to see me sitting at a gathering with a pretty woman and another couple. And since she’s got a glass of wine in her hand, there’s no telling what she might say next.

“Okay, we have to go, Mom,” I interject. “Have a great time, everyone.”

“Before you go,” Mom says, “did you get a summer internship yet?”

“No, but I interviewed for a pretty good one today during on-campus interviews. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Text me all about it!” Mom says, when it’s clear I’m going to dip.

“I will. Bye now.”

“Wait! Can you come down and visit for a few days during spring break?” Mom says. “We all miss you.”

“I’ll see if I can swing it. I’ll text you, Mom. Love to everyone.”

“Pweeeease come!” little Ripley’s voice begs nearby.

“I’ll do my best.”

“Bye,Charlotte!” Mom calls out. “It was lovely to meet you, honey!”

“It was lovely to meet you, too, Gigi!” Charlotte calls back. “Auggie says the nicest things about you!”

“We’ll have you over for dinner when we get back to Seattle!"

“Sounds fun.”

Jesus Christ.
