Page 1 of The Office Guest

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Urgent Notice: Termination of Account

Dear Miss Georgia Grey,

We are writing to inform you that your account withThe Office Guestapp is officially terminatedas of today.

Due to repeated violation(s)—some of which are addressed below—you may no longer browse our stellar candidates or request temporary stand-ins for business and familial occasions.

As a reminder, you are not allowed to ask our “guests” to show up to your jobforyou, “stand outside [your] bastard boss’s window and throw up a middle finger while blasting that ‘I Don’t F*ck with You’ rap song,” or “deflate the tires of whatever overpriced sports car is parked in the CEO spot.”

Please revisit our terms & conditions.

You may reapply for access after one (1) calendar year.


The Office Guest Team

P.S.Your “secret” accounts—Bee Bee Grey, Georgia on Your Mind, & Please Help Me (I Hate My Boss & My Life)—are terminated as well.




Two Months Before Christmas

2 o’clock a.m

“Intruder alert!” “Call to authorities in progress!” “Intruder alert!”

Sirens are blaring in my condo, drowning out my dreams with every passing second.

I pick up my cell phone to turn it off, but the system sings louder, and the words “Wrong password! Home lights are deactivated!” flash across my screen.

What the hell is going on?

Groaning, I roll out of bed and head to my bathroom in utter darkness. I splash my face with cold water and brush my teeth, anxiously awaiting the system to come to its senses, but my condo remains black.

Before I can attempt to turn off the system again, heavy footsteps hit the hallway.

“Over here!” a deep voice yells. “He’s not in his bed!”

“Check the library and the kitchen!Move!” another says.

The door suddenly swings open, and someone shines a flashlight into my eyes.

“He’s right here!” The guy’s voice is louder than the alarm system. “Mr. Reiss is safe!”

“I’m sorry to wake you up at this hour, sir.” Walsh, my head of security, shines a blinding light into my eyes. “We need to move you to a secure location as soon as possible.”

“Is the world ending or something?”

“Sir, we have reason to believe that someone is plotting to murder you.”

