Page 44 of The Office Guest

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“Just let me know what day works best for you, Mrs. Hattie.” He defies me with a laugh. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“Me too!” She looks at me. “It’s good to see you with someone who gets your crazy sense of humor, Georgia. I love it!”

“What’s not to love?” I spot therealDante walking through the courtyard and gasp.

“Excuse us, please!” I tug Dominic toward the exit. “We have to go, but we’ll be back!”




“Oh godddd, oh godddd….” Georgia is breathing like she just ran a marathon when we step outside.

As her chest heaves up and down, I can’t help but wonder if she would breathe the same way while she was riding me all night.


“Why haven’t you pressed the trolley button, Dominic?” She looks at me. “You have to do that in order for us to get a ride to where the cottages are.”

“Probably because this is my first time here and I have no idea how anything works.”

“That sounds like an excuse.” She walks over to a red phone booth and hits a button.

Within minutes, a sleek black trolley car pulls onto the tracks ahead of us.

“All aboard!” A uniformed driver steps off to help Georgia inside before motioning for me to follow suit.

A violin version of “Carol of the Bells” plays as we ride through the snow-covered grounds, and Georgia keeps her gaze toward anything and everything except me.

“So, anytime I want to get somewhere, I step into one of the red booths, correct?” I ask.

She doesn’t answer.

‘That’s correct, sir!” The driver smiles at me through the rearview mirror. “We have twenty private trolley cars ready and waiting to take you wherever you want to go at all times, and there’s also a custom passenger train that runs on a continuous loop through the estate all day and night.”

“Noted.” I spot the golden train chugging in the distance and notice the words “Forever & Ever” etched onto its front car. “Was the train and the trolley system inspired by a book or a movie?”

“Neither, this was all Georgia Grey’s idea.” He beams. “We used to use fancy golf carts and slow-moving carriages to get our guests around this place. But when Miss Grey was a senior in high school, she designed a custom course for us and convinced her grandmother to hire some special people to build this instead.”

“That’s beyond impressive.” I look over at her again, but she’s still ignoring me. “I’ve never seen anything like this at a resort before.”

“Hopefully I’ll catch you during a solo ride during your stay, sir.” He makes a soft turn down Chestnut Lane. “My wife still can’t stop talking about the time you sent Georgia that ten-foot Eiffel Tower cake, and I need to do something like that, too.”

What in the…“I’ll keep that in mind for sure.”

“I appreciate it!” He begins driving up a slope, and my phone rings with a new call.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Please tell me that you made it on time so I can confirm my side of the date for the app,” Paul says.

“I did.”

“Are you with the woman right now?”

“I am.”

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