Page 2 of Too Damn Nice

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Lizzie couldn’t have been happier. She’d had to pinch herself several times tonight to make sure it wasn’t all one incredible dream. Going off to New York to model? Wasn’t that just a foolish fantasy? How could it actually be happening to her? Of course being signed by a major New York agency didn’t automatically mean she’d make it. She had years of hard graft ahead of her. An endless succession of go sees, hoping for the elusive contract, the chance to burst out of the pack of unknowns. That great big dollop of luck all top models needed. So no, it wasn’t going to be all fun and excitement. There would also be disappointment. And loneliness.

She was going to have to say goodbye to everyone here tonight. To her parents, her brother. To Nick. At the thought of the last name, her heart skipped a beat. Could she really leave him behind, without ever finding out what they would have been like together? God, she’d had a crush on Nick for . . . well, forever. While her teenage friends had been idolising pop stars, she’d gone to bed dreaming of Nick Templeton, with his tall, lanky frame, floppy dark hair and steel-rimmed glasses that framed soulful brown eyes. Then he’d disappeared. First had been the year away with Robert, then university. She’d only been thirteen when he’d left, yet she’d believed her life was over. Certainly it had been so much duller without him. As she’d grown older, modelling had become a new outlet for her dreams, but it hadn’t stopped her heart lifting each time Nick came home from university to visit her brother.

She watched him now, talking to Robert. At first glance Nick wasn’t an obvious choice for a girl’s first teenage crush. He didn’t have the dashing good looks and easy charisma that caused her friends to fawn over her brother. Neither was Nick gregarious and fun loving. He was far more of an enigma. With Robert, what you saw was what you got. With Nick, every time she looked, she saw a little more. And each bit she saw was even better than the last. He stood taller than Robert and broader, but leaner. The glasses he wore gave him an air of intelligence that wasn’t superficial. His first at Cambridge was proof of that. He was the quiet one. Reserved, often serious, but with a dry sense of humour that stopped him from being dull.

Above all, Nick was a strong, stabilising presence. She loved that about him, just as she loved the way his warm brown eyes had watched her tonight. As if she was the only person in the room. Was it possible Nick was finally starting to see her as a woman? God, she hoped so, but if she didn’t do something about it now, tonight, she’d be on her way to New York without ever knowing.

Taking a deep breath she walked over to the two men, putting an arm around them both. ‘Two of my favourite people.’

Robert tugged at her hair. ‘My baby sister, the glamorous model.’ He shook his head. ‘It doesn’t seem possible.’

‘Well start to believe it big brother.’ She gave him a playful dig in the ribs, making him grunt. ‘I won’t be around to tease for much longer.’ She turned to Nick. ‘You wanted to talk? Is now a good time?’

For a brief moment his expression froze, as if in shock. Then he vehemently shook his head. ‘It doesn’t matter,’ he replied hastily, averting his eyes to scan the crowd. They rested on the bar. ‘I’m going to grab a drink.’ Leaning forward, he planted a kiss on her cheek. ‘Congratulations, Lizzie. I pity the New York modelling scene.’ He gave her a slightly wonky smile. ‘They don’t know what’s about to hit them.’

Confused, Lizzie watched as Nick was swallowed up by the crowd. ‘Was it something I said? Why is he shooting off so quickly?’

Robert narrowed his eyes and regarded his sister. ‘If you don’t know now, Lizzie, I don’t think you ever will.’

‘What do you mean? Don’t talk in riddles; you know how I hate that.’

Robert simply grinned. ‘And you know telling me you hate me doing something is only going to make me do it more.’ He grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the dance floor. ‘Come on, baby sister. I’ve always wanted to dance with a model. It’s every man’s fantasy. I can’t wait to be introduced to all your new model friends.’

She danced with her brother, staying on when others joined them. Only when her feet throbbed and her throat felt sandpaper dry did she finally give in and head towards the bar. That was where she found Nick, drinking beer and looking far too glum for a night like tonight. She walked purposefully towards him. Now was her chance. If what she’d read in his eyes earlier was real, and not just wishful thinking on her part, what she had in mind would put a smile on his face.

‘What are you doing all alone at the bar?’ she asked, draping what she hoped would look like a casual arm around his shoulders. He felt different now. His shoulders were broader and his body stronger than the last time she’d seen him. Every inch a man’s body. No doubt with a man’s passions. A man’s desires. Nerves fluttered in her stomach. Next to him, she still felt very much a girl. Which was exactly why she needed to be strong, she berated herself. A girl would chicken out now. A woman would go after what she wanted.

‘I’m drinking.’

It took her a moment to realise he’d finally answered her question. ‘And why is drinking making you sad?’

He looked surprised. ‘I’m not sad. Just taking some time out.’

She ordered a glass of champagne, wondering how many she’d already had. But, hey, if she couldn’t get drunk on her eighteenth birthday, when could she? Besides, if ever there was a time when Dutch courage was needed, this was it. Her own courage was slipping away by the minute. Taking a deep gulp, she moved in closer to Nick. ‘Well, I’ve got a proposition that might put a smile on your face.’

His deep brown eyes looked wary. ‘Oh?’

Smiling she leaned over and whispered into his ear. ‘I want you to help me lose my virginity.’

A broad grin was what she’d been hoping for. A slight smile would have done. Even a confused look wouldn’t have been a total disaster. Nick did none of these things. Slowly he put down his glass and turned to her, his eyes flat, his expression shuttered. ‘You’ve got to be joking.’

Too late to back down, she had to brave it out. ‘I’m deadly serious.’

‘Jesus, Lizzie.’ He shook his head, looking down at his empty glass. ‘Your first time should be with someone special to you. Someone you love.’

‘You are special to me.’ Couldn’t he see that was why she was asking him? Mortified at the way this was panning out, Lizzie wanted to up sticks and run. She hadn’t reckoned on having to persuade him. Blithely she’d assumed he’d want this, too.

He sighed and something flickered in his eyes. An emotion she couldn’t put her finger on. ‘Am I special, Lizzie?’ he asked quietly. ‘Special in the way a man is to a woman. Not a brother is to a sister.’

She wanted the ground to swallow her up. He was making her feel like a silly girl who didn’t understand about sex. Why couldn’t he treat her like a woman? Her cheeks stinging with shame, she retaliated as she always did when cornered. She went on the attack. ‘I’m going to lose my virginity with somebody before I go to the States. If you’re not interested, I’ll find someone who is.’

It was as if she’d struck him. He flinched and his face drained of colour.

‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ he replied coldly. ‘I gave you credit for being more mature than this.’

Ouch, his words hit home, adding to her misery.
