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“And risk a car accident? No. My mother is deathly terrified of driving far distances. If I want to see them, I need to make the trip to them, but work is too busy for me to go.”

“What got you into law?”

She freezes, then shakes her head. “Nothing special, just something I always seemed to have a knack for, and it ended up paying off. I’m this close to getting a big promotion at the firm I’m at, but they have me working on a project that is a little too much for me.”

That must be why she needs to get away — to have a fresh mind for when she gets back to work. I admire the way she seems to focus on herself, while still being able to do what she’s supposed to.

“And what about you?” she asks just as the hostess comes back with a bucket of ice and the bottle of wine. Sydney reaches for her wine as soon as it’s poured, mouthing a thank you to the hostess, before taking a long sip. It must be the nerves. “What made you get into ranching?”

“It’s always been part of the family, grew up on the very one I’m in control of today.”

“You see yourself doing it long-term?”

I chuckle at her question. “I’m not sure how much longer you want than this. But, yes, I plan to give it all to Nathan when I die, and hopefully, he’ll do the same with his kids.”

“That’s sweet. Is that what he wants to do?”

“As far as I know, but that could always change, and I’ll be okay with it if he doesn’t want to. My father was a little harder on me about keeping it in the family, but I’m not wanting to project that onto Nathan.”

The rest of the night goes just as smoothly with small talk and getting to know each other, until silence ensues as we get back into the truck. It isn’t until we pull into the ranch that Sydney sighs and breaks the silence. “Thank you for dinner. It was really nice and not what I expected.”

I smirk at her. “Oh, you think that’s the end of our night?”

She cocks her head to the side but stays silent as I hop out of the truck, ignoring the pain in my leg, and pull open her door with a smile. “What else do you have planned?”

“Guess you’ll have to see. Follow me.” I lead the way up the front porch of my house, then open the door and let her walk in ahead of me. Hopefully Nathan did everything exactly as I told him to. “We’ll be going into the living room.”

She slips her boots off, which are wet from the slush, then heads through the doorway that leads to the living room. Her gasp is enough to let me know that Nathan managed to pull it off before we got back. When I step into the room, she spins around and throws her arms around me with a smile. “You did all this?”

“Well, I had some help getting it set up.”

“No one has ever done anything like this for me before. It’s sweet.” She says it as if it’s surprising, which I wouldn’t blame after everything I’ve put her through here. I walk further into the room and sink onto the makeshift bed that I had Nathan build on the floor, then grab the remote for the TV and bring the movie we’re watching up.

“I hope this move is okay for you.”

My body tenses as she sinks beside me, her arm brushing against mine in a way that has me itching to pull her closer to me. “It’s great, thank you.” I press play on the movie and watch as the characters come onto the screen, but the only thing I can seem to focus on is how close Sydney is sitting next to me.

As the minutes pass by, her body only seems to get closer and closer until I’m barely breathing. Her hand comes up to my thigh, resting there and teasing me in the worst way, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from making a move on her that she may not want. I’d hate to do anything to upset her.

By the time the movie ends, I’m damn near shaking with the need to touch her and feel her body against mine. The credits roll on the screen and neither of us make a move to get up, instead she angles herself toward me, her breasts brushing against me in the most tantalizing way. Does she even know what she’s doing to me?

“Brent,” Sydney whispers as she brings her hand to my face, her thumb brushing lightly over my bottom lip. “Please kiss me.”

That’s all I needed to hear before I’m reaching around and pulling her onto my lap, my lips slamming down to hers hungrily. A groan escapes my throat as she rocks her hips against me, no doubt feeling my hard length trying to escape my jeans, and she dives her tongue through my parted lips.

My hands come to her hips, gripping them tightly as she rocks over me, her breaths ragged from the pleasure it brings. This isn’t where I thought our night would end up, but I can’t deny the heat coursing through my body at the sight of her on top of me.

I wince as she shifts herself, her leg pushing into my knee, and she flinches away. “Sorry,” she says breathlessly, her lips immediately coming back down to mine.

It could be a level ten pain and I don’t think I’d have the heart to stop her. Every nerve in my body is coming alive as she continues her assault on my lips and I slowly lift one of my hands, bringing it to the neckline of her dress and slowly trailing a finger down her skin. She shivers at the contact while arching herself into me, granting me the access I crave.

“So soft and beautiful,” I whisper against her lips as I rub a finger over a perked nipple.

She moans at the action, her head falling back as she parts her lips, and I’m mesmerized by the sight of it. The way her waves hang low, or the red of her lips that would look great wrapped around my length. Her movements become more erratic, chest rising and falling rapidly with each ragged breath she takes, and I know that she’s close to the edge.

I shift myself beneath her, rocking right along with her, and she brings her head down to mine to look me in the eyes. The moment her eyes dilate, she gasps loudly before my name spills from her pouty lips, the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard, and she sags against me breathlessly.

“That wasn’t what I planned tonight, I swear,” I say with a chuckle as an attempt to lighten the mood a bit.
