Page 9 of Rayze

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Ali nodded, his expression grim. "Okay. Yeah, we need to figure this out."

He looked so vulnerable, so unlike his usual confident self. It was a stark reminder of how quickly our lives had spiraled into the realm of the supernatural, of how little we truly understood about the world we were now a part of.

"Get some rest," I told him. "We'll tackle this together."

Ali gave a weak smile and headed to his room. I returned to my own room, the morning light now fully spilling through the windows. Lying back down, I stared at the ceiling, my mind racing with questions and fears about Ali, about Rayze, about what all of this meant for our future.

Ali's predicament was worrisome, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was something in my witchcraft arsenal that could help. Was there a spell or potion for something like this? I remembered reading about such things in Harry Potter, but that was fiction, not real life. Still, it was worth a shot.

I picked up my phone and dialed my great aunt in Ireland, our matriarch, the one with the most extensive knowledge of our family's witchcraft history. She picked up after a few rings, her voice warm but curious.

"Rowan, dearie, how are you?" she asked, her Irish lilt comforting in its familiarity.

"Hey, Aunt Maeve," I started, trying to sound casual. "I have a question. It's a bit out there, but... can shifters be made, like vampires? Is there a spell or potion for that?"

There was a pause on the other end. "Shifters cannot be 'made' like vampires, Rowan. Vampires make other vampires because they embody pure evil. They exist solely to take the good from others. Shifters are born, not created."

Her words were a mixture of relief and confusion. "Okay, thanks, that helps. I guess."

"Is everything alright, dear?" she asked, concern creeping into her voice.

I hesitated, then decided to ask about something else that had been weighing on me. "Have you heard about the 'vampire killer' in London?"

"Yes, several members of our family are tracking the monster down," she replied, her tone serious. "It's a dangerous situation."

My heart raced at her words. "Do you think... could a vampire make someone else do the killings? Like, control them or change them?"

"It's possible, but rare," she answered. "Why do you ask?"

I bit my lip, torn between honesty and protecting Danny's potential involvement. "Just curious. With all that's going on."

"Be careful, Rowan. These are dangerous times, especially for those of us with... abilities."

I thanked her and hung up, feeling a mix of relief and growing anxiety. The thought that Danny could be involved in the vampire killings, possibly even turned into a vampire by Cassin, sent a shiver down my spine.

I sat up, my mind racing with possibilities and fears. If Danny had been turned, what would that mean for us? For him? The idea of him being controlled or changed against his will was horrifying.

The conversation with my aunt had opened up more questions than answers. I knew I had to tread carefully, to protect not only myself but my friends as well. The supernatural world we had found ourselves entangled in was far more complex and dangerous than any of us had realized.

Chapter Five - Rayze

Lingering in the dimly lit corners of La Societe de la Nuit, I found myself drawn to a conversation between Kyne and Delilah. The club was mostly empty, its usual cacophony of sounds and energy reduced to a quiet hush. I hovered near them, invisible, curious about what they might reveal.

Delilah's voice was laced with worry. "I haven't heard from Cassin in weeks. I'm afraid he might have really fucked everything up for us."

Kyne, leaning against the bar, looked equally troubled. "If he's gone rogue, it puts us all at risk. We might be forced back into the shadows, becoming the monsters they always paint us as."

I felt a pang of concern. Cassin's actions were endangering them all, and the tension in Delilah's voice was palpable.

The conversation shifted to Ali. Kyne rubbed his neck, his expression troubled. "I'm worried about the mark I gave Ali. What if I've changed him somehow?"

Delilah shook her head. "That's not possible, Kyne. Shifters can't turn others like vampires can. It's a birthright, not a curse that can be passed on."

Kyne seemed somewhat relieved, but the worry didn't completely leave his face. "Still, I can't help but feel responsible for bringing him into this world."

Delilah reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We all carry our burdens, Kyne. Ali is strong; he'll find his way."

The topic then turned to Bel. Delilah's voice softened, a hint of sadness creeping in. "I miss Annabelle. She meant more to me than she probably knew."
