Page 28 of Wade

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"No." She shook her head. "I am not being contrary or cynical. I am just-" She took a sip of the tea and closed her eyes. "I want this to last so much and I am wondering if I am being unrealistic."

"It will last." He settled next to her. "I have been in a number of relationships and I happen to know the difference. You have been in all of what? Two? “He grinned at the dirty look she threw him. "I am the expert here."

"That is not something to be proud of."

"I would like to think that all of it was leading me to you."

"That's utter BS and you know it."

"Perhaps." He grinned at her. "But I still think it is. How is the stomach?"

"A lot better. The opening is this weekend."



"It's not my first rodeo," he reminded her. "I ordered something for you."

"I wish for once you would trust me to order my own damn clothes. And I have tons of items in that house you call a closet that I haven’t worn yet."

"I know how busy you are and with the pregnancy-"

"The tea is still piping hot and you happen to be naked."

He covered that vulnerable part of him. "Remember how you worship me."

"Oh please. Right now, I am leaning towards intolerance." Her eyes glittered. "And it better not be something that resembles a napkin."

"I happen to be a classy guy," he reminded her smoothly. Leaning over, he kissed her lips and tasted the honey. "Drink up."

Chapter 6

The Royale's ballroom was overflowing with patrons eager to be part of one of the most sought-after parties since the beginning of the New Year.

Invitations had been sent out prior to the event and the RSVPs had poured in. Wade Bramwell was well-known as a visionary who had the ability to take a stark and utterly drab building and turn it into a piece of art.

Valets decked out in red, white and blue, the signature colors of the newest acquisition, were kept busy directing vehicles and helping with the parking. The lobby was thronged with guests checking in, not just for the party but also to spend a few nights in the sumptuous suites.

They wanted to be part of the history of the place. Before the acquisition and subsequent renovation, the building had been a dilapidated mess in the middle of downtown. As soon as work had begun on the project, others had jumped in with the idea to make downtown beautiful. Even the police precinct had been given a facelift.

Wade had wanted them to be among the first people there and she had made certain she was home with enough time to get ready. She had taken a small project to occupy her time. A private apartment residence belonging to a popular actress. And she was handling most of the designs herself.

"No heavy lifting," Wade had warned her.

"I promise."

Now she stood with her man in one corner of the room, the red sheath she had on molding to her voluptuous curves. She was wearing rubies at her throat, ears and wrists and could feel the excitement rushing through her body.

People had complimented her on a job well done and she was feeling proud. She had spoken to David and his date for the night before rejoining Wade who was surrounded by members of his exclusive club together with their wives.

She liked the women and agreed that they were a mixed group who did not put on airs. She also knew that most of them were from humble backgrounds and seemed to be in love with their very powerful husbands.

Wade had told her that some marriages were made to last, but she was not ready for that kind of commitment yet. Some nosy reporters had already cornered her to ask when the big day was.

"I think it is already here," she had responded innocently, deliberately misconstruing the question.

"Good response." Kelly Takahashi, looking stunning in a lime green dress, said with a smile.

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