Page 19 of Deadly Noel

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Because even after all this time, none of it made sense.


ON THE WAY DOWN to the Sanderson plant, Sara pulled to a stop in front of the post office. Though her daily communications with Special Agent Allen Larson at the regional DEA office in Minneapolis were exchanged by secure e-mail, she still checked her post office box daily.

She’d forwarded some magazine subscriptions, and then there were always the credit card bills that never seemed to end. Especially not when one owned an aging Ford SUV that made mechanics smile with glee. Right now, it fit in well with the cover she had established. But when this case was over, she’d go back to Dallas and do some serious vehicle shopping.

Lost in thought, she crossed the sidewalk and opened the door of the post office only to find herself staring at a broad chest clad in a dark blue deputy’s shirt.

She lifted her gaze to meet the amused expression on Nathan’s face.


“ Actually, yes.” She jerked her chin toward her SUV. “Just thinking about when my old pal and I can part ways.”

“Usually I see you out walking.” He glanced at her silky blouse and linen slacks, and a corner of his mouth lifted. “You must have big plans.”

A young mother with two boys came up behind Sara, so she stepped farther inside the building to let them pass. “Not really. Excuse me—”

She started past him toward the mailboxes along the back wall, but he followed her and leaned a shoulder against the wall as she retrieved her mail. Two Visa bills, a utility bill for her apartment in Dallas. A gas credit card bill, including the fuel for her trip north. Fortunately, the DEA was picking up all of her expenses for this assignment.

“Had any luck finding a job around here?”

“None yet. See you around.” She started past him.

“Whoa! What’s the rush?”

She lowered her voice. “It’s nice seeing you again, and all that, but I really have to go. I—”

“Coffee? Bill’s Coffee Shop is right next door.”

Several other customers glanced over at their conversation, and one of them gave her a wink.

Great. Just what she needed—people talking about Nathan getting cozy with the new woman in town. What were the chances, if she ever did get a job at Sanderson, that she’d be privy to any illegal activities if people linked her with the deputy sheriff?

