Page 159 of Hostile Fates

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“What do you know so far?”

“Besides I’m losing my goddamn mind?”

My shoulders braced when realizing I had to carry two clubs now. “Diesel, your boy can’t afford that either, now fucking focus. I need intel and to get these clubs crackin’ skulls. You fucking feel me?”

He let out a long breath… “I feel you.”

“Now gather your men, get to Church, and put this call on speaker. Now.”

Never did I ever imagine the rebellious young Stallion would be leading his father figures, especially while my Old Lady’s life was on the line. Something I never thought I could breathe through.

I’m on my feet, Mom. I’m standing right where I need to be.

Over the phone, I heard shouted instructions, heavy boots jogging, then them all corralling into the private room. Once it went quiet, Diesel said, “We’re all ears.”

“Alright,” I breathed, “here we go. One: I’m sorry we’ve all been kicked in the balls but damn glad we have so many pairs we’re going to have a sweet revenge.”

I heard proud grumbles, in my Church and Diesel’s.

“Two: “Lorenzo Marchetti, or Lorenzo Giordano, no matter which name he’s using, is officially Redemption Ryders’ and Steel Stallions’ number one enemy right now.”

More agreeing grumbles.

“Three: there is no reasoning with him. I made the mistake of letting him live until we knew more about all his associations and the fallback our clubs could possibly take. He has Elle, and not only hasn’t returned my sister but took another of ours. There’s no surviving that. We make this sick fuck pay, and I mean in every way.” As the grumbles got louder, so did I. “Before we kill this bastard, we sink his boats. Both of them.”

“Yeah, Yeah…” They started getting riled.

“We make sure he loses every dime he earned by selling little girls.”

“Fuck yeah…” They got louder.

“We make his existence on earth so goddamn miserable that once he’s in Hell, he’ll think it’s a motherfucking vacation.”

Both rooms exploded in deadly cheers.

I hope you enjoy your last days, Lorenzo. Because they’re fucking numbered.

It’s quite easy to get all the chapters to join in on a fight. It protects them to help us. If someone can get away with such vile acts against the mother chapter, the rest of our chapters are screwed. We must appear unified to scare off all other potential threats.

That’s why every Stallion officer or brother with connections cashed in favors.

The most effective allies we gained were from Diesel’s old coots, all ex-military from one branch or another. Before this historic MC event, all the old timers just sat at Diesel’s bars and drank, making fun of everyone. They looked washed up, but we learned not to let appearances fool us. These men had value far beyond their unified sense of humor. We received priceless information when it came to those who watch the waters…

Because of Mom’s dream, I knew Lorenzo was back on a boat. His fancy shoes on my feet told me he was standing on water. The Jesus wannabe was about to learn he had weaknesses, and I was going to pounce on them all.

Damn good plans in place, we were loading duffle bags with weapons to be transported to another chapter on the coast. This was it. Bikes were being left behind and cages were replacing them. We didn’t want anyone to see us coming.

Heavy bags in every hand, I looked to my men. “Let’s do this.”

I went to the door, opened it, and stepped through, to be welcomed by a haze of bullets.

Diving with my men to the walls Elle had built for extra coverage, I cursed and yelled, “Now? Fucking now this cartel wants to play?”

Jesus. H Christ!

Chapter twenty-eight

Fearing the End
