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Struggling to ignore the building pain from the bullet wound, I resorted to more teasing. “Since I’m on my deathbed, sure. Why not.”

“I will make it possible for you to have a second chance if you swear to agree to two conditions.”

“If it has to do with my brother’s life, kill me now.”

She dipped her chin. “I understand, but no. My first condition is you get me to Miami.”

I chuckled. “Take you on a vacay so I can live? Done. Next?”

“I need you to take a life.”

“Not my brother’s? Easy enough. I’m in—”

“Your father’s.”

My ears rang. “Oh.”

“Balance can be challenging.”

My shoulders sulked. “No shit.”

Since Dad had planned my death, you’d think it would be easy for me to kill him. It wasn’t. There was a part of me that was still a little boy, hoping to please his father someday.

Rosa told me, “I will no longer have the power, but his vile ways must end. Too many lives at risk.”

No longer have power? Wait. I jerked. Does she know how some club members earn money?

She answered my unspoken question with, “Yes. And I pray you will no longer stand by and do nothing.”

My eyes slid shut. She was right. Now that I was acquiring a conscience, I couldn’t watch Father hurt others and ignore all the heinous acts done by the club. They were so foul. Deep down, I knew I had it in me to kill him, possibly the others, but was I ready to do this? Enter a bargain with an otherworldly being?

I swallowed a gulp. “You swear my brother will be safe?”

An eerie feeling came over me as she said, “I’m not allowed to lie to you.”

Good to know. “Then answer my question.”

Rosa’s expression was full of pity for me. Maybe that is why she chose to answer in Spanish. To soften the blow or make sure I understood. “He won’t survive as long as you, but you being alive buys him more time.”

After the shock of my brother’s future death started to clear, I felt a tear roll down my face. I exhaled a rattled breath. It seemed no matter how much I wanted to protect him and took the brunt of my parents’ wrath to do so, I would ultimately fail him in the end. “He deserves better than me to look out after him.”

She stole my heart when agreeing, “We all do, but that isn’t everyone’s fate.”

Astonished by the being who had entered my life and not wanting to let her go, I asked, “And you? Do I get you in this deal?”

She was a tough angel. Talking about death and sinful acts didn’t stop her from smiling. “I would love to be a part of this deal, but our time together would be limited. Miami is priority.”

I didn’t try to withhold the grin that crossed my face. If she continued to be my drug of choice, I’d find a way to make her stay with me. “You are some sort of miracle, aren’t you?”

The marvelous stars held in her eyes all began to glow a light, magical blue before they closed. “As are you.”

That was one thing I had never been told. A curse, a mistake, but never a miracle.

My bullet wound screamed in protest, but that didn’t stop me from kissing her forehead. “Thank you, little angel.” Decision made, I took a very deep breath before making an unbreakable oath. “I swear to kill my father and get you to Miami.”

Eyes closing, she whispered, “Thank you, Onus. I accept.” Then, as she exhaled, a loving breeze flowed through me.

Without another second passing, light exploded before my eyes … knocking me out cold.
