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Malnourished, and small framed to begin with, Anita appeared to be a pregnant ten-year-old. It disgusted me that her appearance only spurred on certain MC brothers. A voluptuous woman, such as I, was not their choice.

Trusting me now, Anita’s heavy breathing slowed as she slipped into much needed sleep.

With no one else entering our prison, I allowed my own eyes to drift shut. My head rested on top of hers as I pondered my mistakes. I was so blind to have thought I could change the inevitable. So mindless to have believed Onus couldn’t hurt me.

I felt a divine presence before feeling him push my matted hair from my sweaty forehead. “His soul is no longer his. That is why he can now cause you pain.”

New tears spilling weren’t from violence this time. They were from the wonderful sensation of no longer being the only adult to constantly witness horrid acts.

Opening my eyes, my rebel friend had glowing wings. The sight of him was too much to contain. I cried, “You’re here.”

Elijah wiped blood from my lip. “I’m sorry I took so long.”

My arms were too weak to lift the child, but I tried. “Save her.”

He touched my swelling eye, already bruising. “I can’t.”

Stunned, I barely uttered, “W-Why?”

Elijah’s haunting gray eyes beamed out from under his blue hooded sweatshirt. “I was seen by your father.”

My chest tightened. As far as I was concerned, that god was no father of mine. My sobs turned into anger. “Leave.”

Elijah wasn’t shocked at my response. “We must talk.”

I growled, “You, nor he, have any words I wish to hear—”

He held up a bottle of water, silencing me.

My tongue begged for obedience so it could taste the liquid. Drinks and food were rare in the warehouse.

I snatched the water from Elijah then started to wake the child in my arms, but he held up another bottle. “I have one for her also, but please don’t wake her. You know she can’t see me.”

A moment lingered between us before I conceded. Not only was I thirsty, I felt deserted. And not sure how to survive this. A friend was a welcomed sight, even if he refused to save my little friend.

Not taking back the water I had stolen, Elijah opened it and kept the cap since I wouldn’t spare another hand to let Anita go. I glared at him as he pushed the overflowing tip to my thirsty mouth. Tears streamed down my neck as I gulped with a vengeance.

Knowing me better than I knew myself, he whispered, “The biker loved you.”

I choked on water then burst into more tears. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I admitted, “I’d be a fool to believe that.”

Onus had once been so handsome, in a rugged way. Dark eyes that promised ecstasy … and a hidden heart. A smirk to flirt with before he kissed me, lovingly yet savagely. Large shoulders, arms and hands to hold me even though I’d never desired such affection before. His voice full of healthy lust and promises of forever… All a lie.

Elijah broke through my thoughts. “No,” he promised. “It was real. Still is for you.” He pulled out an orange from his pocket then chuckled when my eyes immediately fell to Anita. “I have two.”

I lifted my chin, wanting to appear like a proud god. Not the desperate woman with no power to save children.

Peeling the orange, he said, “You have a friend here.”

My nostrils flared. “Onus’s mother? Who sings ‘puta’ every time she enters this filthy cage?”

Sure to slip the orange peels back in his pocket, he pulled a piece then brought it to my mouth. “Her ex-lover.”

Shocked I had forgotten about him, I slowly chewed. “His father.”

Elijah went to wipe the juice from dribbling on my bottom lip, but my hungry tongue beat him to it. “He never comes in here.”

I got a slow nod. “Figured out why?” When I didn’t answer, because I didn’t have one, Elijah added, “He despises…” He grimaced at the walls that kept disgusting secrets. “All this.”
