Page 7 of Hostile Tyranny

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I complained, “Asshole.”

I pushed my red hair—

My fingers lifted the ends of my own red hair, wondering if this woman was related to me.

—behind my shoulder. I internally begged my body to stop trembling.

Chin high, I said, “God watches over me everywhere I go.”

Lynx turned and headed to an interior door. “Then, you’re lucky. He abandoned us long ago.”

Clearing my throat in an attempt to hide my rising nerves, I followed, my purse clutched to my stomach. The dubious feeling of entering a club that sold children was making my bones feel cold.

We made our way down a dim hallway, then into a big room filled with furniture that had gone out of style about a decade earlier. Possibly, the men occupying the furniture had, too. They were all sitting, smoking so much I wanted to wave a hand to clear the air in front of my face, but I didn’t dare. The way they were all staring at us, I instantly knew these were the older men who had been part of Youngin’s life, and they seemed quite disappointed I had been brought into their clubhouse.

“Bring us a treat?” coldly asked a man who wasn’t wearing an officer patch but a black patch over his eye. His uncovered eye was a striking blue.

As Lynx put his arm around my waist, he declared, “Found me a fiery one.”

I wanted to put Youngin’ over my knee and beat his ass until he learned how to speak about a woman, but since I was dressed for such attention, it was a moot life lesson.

Besides, I wasn’t the teacher now.

A deep, commanding voice growled at me, “What were you doing at that building?”

His MC patch read President, Legend, and his greying beard matched Lynx’s eyes.

“Oh my God.” I closed the book.

The bedroom door cracked open, dark eyes studying me from over his left shoulder. Just as I had suspected, Bors was sitting on the ground, his back to the adjoining wall of the living room. “Fill up the glass, Ivy.”

Like a swimmer preparing for a dive, I blew out rapid breaths. “Bors—”

“Fill up the glass. Take a swig. Then read.”

Could I have benefited with more patience?


That has never been my style.

As I flipped him off, I filled the glass. “I said don’t tell me what to fucking do!”

He smirked as I took a big swallow, then shut the door.

I reopened the journal…

This may sound odd, but Legend reminded me of my Da. He was… bold. Strong and in command. I almost ran forward, wanting to throw my arms around him, hoping his embrace would feel as safe as Da’s.

Since that would most likely get me shot, I swallowed, then began the game I’d played many times, claiming I’d heard this MC was hiring dancers.

Seeing right through my lie, his nostrils flared. “Try again.”

“Legend,” started Lynx, only to be cut off when his Prez demanded, “Grab her.”

From behind, a big arm shoved Lynx away from me so fast he didn’t have time to react. Coincidentally, an arm came around my neck, and then the one that had shoved Lynx snaked under my own arms, yanking them back, hard because it barely fit with my smaller frame. Whoever had a hold of me was incredibly fast for his gigantic size. I just stood there, wide-eyed, completely overpowered and outmaneuvered.

Recovering from a stumble, Lynx cursed, “What the fuck, Wings?”
