Page 101 of Titus

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“There you two are,” Fadon admonished. “Your guards are having a fit, Princess.” He stared down at my hand in Lysander’s, then eyed my person, my hair, looking for… what?

“Brother.” Lysander’s tone was so different than it had been seconds ago. I hated witnessing the tension between the two brothers. Hopefully, by the time we returned from our voyage, I’d know more about Lysander and his family.

“Prince,” Fadon stated. “Go let her guards know where in Ongar she is. And Mari—”

“Caw, caw!”

Black wings snapped as a crow joined us, flying in tight circles around Fadon’s head.

“Blasted bird!” Fadon’s arms flailed in the air, trying to wave away the little beast, whose name I knew now was Fear. His hand connected with its left wing, and Fear glided over to perch on the thick bush a few feet away from us. His beady reddish-black eyes seemed to roam over us.

“Why in Titus would someone own such a pest?” Fadon said, eying the crow.

“How do you know it belongs to Cornelius?” Lysander asked, pulling me up to stand.

Fadon crossed his arms as he continued to study the bird. “You’re good with animals, Sierra,” he said dryly, ignoring his brother’s question. “What’s that beast telling you?”

I could tell he wasn’t being facetious, just honestly wanted to know. “That you’re correct. That is his crow.”

“I’m surprised you’re not petting it,” Fadon said. “Or is it only furry poofs that you go to great lengths to pet?” He looked over at me, grinning.

I looked back at Fear. The thought of petting him was like contemplating petting a venomous snake. “I don’t think he’d appreciate my attentions.” As if understanding me, Fear looked straight at me. I shuddered. It was strange; I’d never met an animal I didn’t like. Even the ones that could harm me, I respected at least. But this crow? It seemed more portent than mere bird, and I’d had enough of those.

“Interesting. Seems like the feeling is mutual. Let me guess. Its name is Asshole.” Fadon uncrossed his arms and strode toward the bird. “Away with you. Out!”

I giggled as the crow flew away, cawing in indignation.

Fadon looked at me, his lips twitching. “Glad to know I’m amusing, Princess.”

Lysander snorted, and all three of us seemed to relax as we left the garden.

We found my guards in the main hall, their disapproval clear. I sent them a sheepish look as Lysander bid me goodbye.

A man from the gate came marching forward. He stepped up to Fadon and whispered something in his ear.

Fadon sighed. “Duty calls, Princess. I’ll see you at dinner.”

“Yes, see you then.” I looked at my guards, wondering what I’d do with myself now. Dinner would be soon, so I decided to head to my room and wash up. Maybe I had time for a short soak in the tub.

Tonight’s dinner was nothing like the last. Conversation flowed, the food was delicious as usual, and most importantly, I was relaxed and enjoying myself. Lysander had only drunk wine throughout, not that horrid strong stuff, and two glasses at that.

We all retired to the drawing room. Fadon and Zion, the older Ongahri with the cheek tattoos, who I had grown to like very much, played a game of chess near the fire. Lucius and Cornelius regaled the rest of the party with stories about an adventure they had taken last year in the deserts of Angoda in the south.

I was studying a painting of Ongar and his Consort, Melos, lost in memories of the day Demos had whispered her name in my ear before we had dismounted at Syrus Crossing, when Lady Lordes walked over to me.

“Princess, I’d like to invite you to my quarters, if you’d like to join me. I have something to discuss with you.”

She smiled warmly at me, her large brown eyes kind. Her strapless gown was a lovely shade of light orange, almost peach, that flowed in shimmery layers that fell to her sandaled feet. That same material was wrapped around her head.

I looked at the queen, who was watching us. She waved a hand and nodded, signally I could be excused. I bowed and followed Lady Lordes out into the hall, my guards in tow behind us.

Her rooms were tucked in the back of the east wing, which I found surprising, having thought the queen was the only one who resided on this side of the manse.

“I am our queen’s seer, child,” Lady Lordes explained when I told her my thoughts. “I was seer to her father, King Gregorus as well. I’ve been with the Trajan family for, oh since Fadon was only a mother’s wish. It’s customary to be near the monarch whenever I’m needed.”

We entered through a door, where my guards took position, leaving us ladies alone inside. The room was not as big as mine and had several doorways that led to what I imagined were a bedroom and personal study. This room was more of a sitting area, with divans in jewel tones, several side tables, and glass bookcases.

She motioned for me to sit across from her on a teal divan. I was more than curious as to why she had invited me here.
