Page 8 of Titus

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“Such an honor!” Mother started crying again, both happy and miserable.

Absently, I rubbed her arm in comfort as Father continued.

“The Owl has sent a Servant who will be here tonight.” He steepled his fingers as he watched Mother break down. “He is the guest we are expecting. As far as the Ongahri’s role in all this, an envoy from… uh…”

Father couldn’t bring himself to say the words, so I said them for him, amazed at how calm I was. “Goth Mor Helle?”

Mother’s cries grew in pitch.

Father winced. “Yes, that. From… there, an envoy will be arriving in a few weeks’ time. Alyssa, dear, please restrain yourself.” He glanced at my mother before returning his eyes to mine. “You are to marry their prince, Sierra.” He choked on the last part, and my heart went to him.

I nodded numbly, slowly coming to terms with everything they had thrown at me.

The Ongahri had returned.

I had been chosen as the Fealty Bride.

I was to marry their prince.

After a deep breath, acceptance settled into resolve as Father looked at me expectantly.

I could do this.

“Father, it will be all right. I know I haven’t been the most… model daughter, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see the seriousness of this. I will do my duty and will be honored to represent our people. There is nothing to fear. I will do this with a light heart, and by the time I am married and ready to depart from you—”

“No, my darling Sierra,” Father said, his voice deepening with something like anger, but for what, I didn’t know. “Your betrothed will not be traveling with the envoy. You are to marry by proxy, in a simple ceremony. The official nuptials will take place there… at… Helle. They were most insistent it be that way. Your mother and I will not be able to attend.” His head fell forward, as if a heavy weight were tied around his neck. “I tried to negotiate, my dear. But there is no other way.”

“I do not… by proxy? He’s not coming here? You mean I’ll meet him… alone? Without you?” Releasing my mother, I stood then, panic clawing at my chest. My feet took me toward the bookcase and back, pacing.

So much for dealing with it, I thought.

“They are sending their envoy,” my father repeated. “I am assured that among them are their best warriors. And you will not go alone. Your watcher and a Servant of the Owl will be accompanying you.”

I turned around to face him. “Lucinda?” It was the only time in this surreal conversation that I felt like myself, and almost had the urge to laugh. Imagining the young spinster, one who hated to even dip a naked foot into a warm stream lest she be accused of indecency, traveling across forests and wintry terrain with the Ongahri, of all people. Dear gods, she'd be dead of mortification by the first day among such barbarians!

Barbarians. Traveling. And a Servant of the Owl to boot?

I felt sick.

But I could do this. If I could see this as an adventure, nothing more, I could accept my fate. A fate that spoke of truth, deep within me. A fate sealed with my father’s blessing and careful planning, and with the approval of the Owl, who had chosen me. But why me?

I took a few deep breaths to gather my wits. Nothing had ever gotten the better of me, and I was determined to meet my destiny full-on, with my head held high.

Feeling better now, I returned to my seat beside Mother. “And they will arrive when, again?” I asked.

Father stared into my eyes for a few moments before speaking, understanding that I had accepted my fate. He nodded and smiled proudly at me. “The day of the autumn festival.”

While Mother cried softly, Father and I started discussing plans for the coming weeks, but within minutes, Gretta, one of the maids, interrupted us.

“My lord, the Servant of the Owl has arrived,” Gretta said, her face slightly pale. “I took him to the front parlor to wait.”

I looked at Father as Mother gasped beside me. I had forgotten all about the guest.

“Thank you, Gretta. You can send him in.” Father swallowed heavily, his eyes belying the fact that he looked anxious even though his voice held calm authority.

“Shall I stay, Father?” I was in no hurry to meet the Servant and would prefer to go to my room, where I could order my thoughts and feelings about all that had occurred this evening.

“Stay. He is here to meet you, so no time better than the present.” With a sigh, he stood, the movement signaling to my mother and I to stand as well.

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