Page 87 of Titus

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I knew he was lying, but I didn’t know him well enough yet to press the issue.

“Well, get some rest,” I said, going along with the lie. “I had a very nice time with you today, Lysander. Thank you for the ride and for lunch.”

He took my hand and kissed it, but it was without enthusiasm. “My pleasure. I will see you at dinner?”

Frowning up at him, I nodded. “Yes, see you then.”

He left in the blink of an eye, leaving me at the door. I waved a hand at my guards, who had backed up to give me and Lysander some privacy, then I entered my room.

After a quick change and a splash of water on my face, I took down my messy hair, which I winced at in the mirror, then gave it a good brushing, deciding to just leave half of it down, the rest pinned up. I was excited about taking the tour of the manse, and hurried myself along and out to the hallway, which had filled considerably since I’d last stood in it.

More guards stood around my doorway. Three Ongahri, wearing dark purple tunics and breeches, all with swords at their sides, bowed in unison. I looked at them expectantly, wondering what their appearance was about.

The one in the center of the group stepped forward. “My lady, we have been ordered to accompany you anywhere you’d like. We assure you our presence will not be intrusive.”

I highly doubted that, but I shrugged. “Very well. What are your names?”

All three comically raised their eyebrows, not expecting my question.

I waited patiently until the one who’d spoken said, “I am Emis. To my left is Suren, and this is Hansen.”

“It’s a pleasure. Well then, Emis, Suren, and Hansen. Let’s go to the kitchens. I have an appointment.”

The kitchens were brimming with servants and maids and cooks, all in a hurry and all occupied. Dishes and pots clanged, conversation consisted of orders, and the air was filled with mouth-watering scents. My guards and I stood at the threshold as people passed us by. I tried to pinpoint the best person to ask the whereabouts of the headmistress, and after a few moments, the room silenced.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and stared at me.

I smiled. “Hello. I’m so sorry to disturb you all, but can someone tell me where the headmistress is?”

Eyes blinked, making them all look like a flock of owls. Then everyone curtsied. A big woman with a kerchief tied around her head, wearing an apron stained with batter, came forward.

“My lady. She is in the back,” she said shyly, raising her arm and pointing down a long hallway. “Right through there.” She eyed the men behind me.

“Thank you so much, ma’am.” I turned around and looked at my guards. “It would be best if you stayed here. I’ll return in just a bit.”

The kitchens came back to life again, and the men just shrugged, nodding.

Passing steaming vats of boiling water and hurried maids, and ducking under trays piled high with dishes, I made my way down to the hall, slowing my pace as I looked through each doorway for the headmistress.

The hallway had quite a number of rooms, all the doors thrown open. Storage, linens, cleaning supplies, cutlery, and some offices. I came to the end, where a wide doorway opened into what I guessed was the laundry. It was a large room with open windows all along the back wall. Massive tubs and drying racks filled the space. To the right, another doorway. I heard giggling from within, and when I heard Lysander’s name, I slowed to a stop and kept to the wall.

“Lysander getting married. I just can’t see it.”

“Think he can keep it in his breeches?” a woman’s voice spoke.

“If I was him, I sure would. She’s downright stunning! I’ve seen her up close, mind. White long hair. Big eyes, lovely mouth.”

“Yeah, but you can’t fuck her, Dolorus.”

The women laughed.

“No, but what I’m saying is, why would he stray from that? Know?”

“Pfft. Everyone knows the prince pokes every cunt in court.

“Well, he’s never poked mine!”

Another woman sighed loudly, her voice husky. “Not mine either, no matter how I’ve thrown myself at him. Ongar, by the gods is he finely made. Mmm mmm!”
