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Adam is, in fact, one of the nicest guys, and he is very into me. Every time we bump into each other in town, he looks for a conversation to have. Last week, he started up about sweet potatoes in the cereal aisle and the fascinating story behind those beautiful starches. They’re actually the number one most nutritional vegetable, at least that’s what Adam says.

“Come on,” Mae starts. “I know he’d jump at the opportunity to go with you to that Christmas party your family is having.”

“No! I’m not bringing some guy I barely know to a Christmas party… with my family!”

“Oh, good Lord. Relax!” She sips the tea she’s poured and settles into the armchair by the fireplace. “This is what people do, Pop. They invite people to things and see where it goes.”

“Not to a family Christmas party.”

“This is a small town. People bring folks to parties. Besides that, you get to know him really fast and that’s what you’re looking for, right? You said yourself you wanted a fast track to marriage.”

I roll my eyes. “I said that as a joke, not because I want to throw myself at the first person you mention.”

She picks up her cell phone and starts texting.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m texting him. You’ll thank me later. He cleans up nice.”

“No! What are you doing? I said I’ve got it figured out.”

Her gaze drops to mine. “Do you remember last year when I told you I didn’t want to go out with Jonny Tinley, but you insisted I do it?” There’s a curtness in her tone that’s sort of playful, sort of not.

“I do remember that.” I sigh. “Is this payback or something?”

“No. I’m paying it forward.” She grins. “I wasn’t ready to date again, and you pushed me into it. Sure, it didn’t work out between us, but going on that date got me out of my shell. I needed that. If you hadn’t made it happen, I’d still be elbow deep in green mint chip ice cream watching sappy holiday movies.”

I blow out a heavy breath. “Yeah, but this is different. I’m—”

“He replied. He said he’ll meet you there at seven. Tonight, right?”

A lump thickens in my throat as Mae starts talking again.

“You’re holding onto Bodie because he’s not real.”

“What do you mean that he’s not real? He’s real.”

Mae huffs as though she’s getting annoyed with me. “That’s not what I mean. Of course he’s real… but not really. I mean, to you, at this point, he’s a fantasy, and holding onto him only lets you keep believing in a life that isn’t going to happen. And if you believe that, you don’t have to go into the world and meet real people and do real things with them. Which is what you really want, right?”

She stands from the chair and sets her mug on the counter.

“So, you’re a psychiatrist now?”

She nods. “The bill is in the mail. Now shake your head or blink twice if you agree and I’ll finalize these plans with Adam.”

I pinch my lips and try to rationalize all that she’s saying. The truth is, if I really think about it, she might be right. Bodie is nothing but a fantasy. In reality, he’s way too old for me, my brother’s best friend, and his straightforward attitude can be off-putting. As hot as he is, it might be time that I let my bargaining turn to acceptance.

Oh!Accepting was the last step. Did I just transcend?

I blink twice toward Mae. “If this goes bad, I’m blaming you.”

“As you should.” She smiles and steps out onto the front porch, closing the door behind her.

My stomach turns the second I’m alone.

A date.I have an actual date.

A real life, down to Earth, factual date.

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