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Sarah was at home, waiting.



Sarah woke in the Captain’s chambers, the bed the size of two King-sized beds on her planet. For a moment, she didn’t realize where she was or what had happened. Then it all dawned on her. Kael’s lips traced the ridges of her body, the quiet billows of breath cascading up her throat and emerging into the air as he thrust into her …

Sarah bit her bottom lip, her back arching beneath the lustrous sheets in response to the vivid memory. She noticed that her nipples were poking up against the fabric, pinky-peach and hardened buds. She slid her fingers under the sheets and pinched one, groaning at the masochistic sensation. She hadn’t felt that carnal in years, not since leaving Earth in search of something better.

Alive. She had wanted to feel alive. And Kael had done that, filling her with a rapture she had no clue her body could contain.

She rose from the bed and pushed the curtains open, mindful of her nude form and the long windows and low pane. It was a bright day like most days seemed to be on the Drakonian planet. She swiped a look at the clock and was happy to see that she was just in time to make Suki her breakfast.

Sarah quickly rinsed the sex off her body and got dressed in her typical nanny uniform of comfortable jeans that allowed her to be agile for some athletic time outside and a pullover. She didn’t mind the presence of the scoop neck as it would allow a little peek of what was waiting for Kael come nightfall.

She tended to Suki for breakfast, who was vibrant and bubbly. She was nothing like the girl she had first met, curled in the fetal position, barbed wire laced around her heart.

Sarah felt reborn watching the child play and laugh. It made her think of herself as a child and reflect upon the beautiful life she had with her mother. None of it had really slipped away the way her dark hours wanted to convince her. It was the stunning, illuminating memory of love that made the empty sight hurt so much.

After breakfast, Suki’s homeschooling began. Sarah didn’t feel trained enough to engage in such matters but often accompanied her when the tutor arrived in case any anxiety returned with a tidal wave force. According to Kael, she had been reluctant to learn anything since her mom’s passing. It had only been once Sarah returned and told her stories of Earth that the zeal for education had reappeared.

The tutor gave Suki lessons while Sarah saw to the general maintenance of her chambers. Though Kael had housekeepers and a cook, she found herself participating in both tasks. Every now and then, she would check on the tutor and have lunch ready for when Suki needed a break.

On that particular day, Sarah had a song in her heart, humming as she explored the Drakonian version of a laundry room. It was at the lower level, hidden away past some metallic door opening, with various closets standing along the walls of a room that had more square space than her apartment back home. She watched as robots took the soiled clothing and zapped it into cleanliness, a rosewater scent emerging with the steam after mere seconds of encapsulation.

“God, I really could do with one of these,” Sarah snickered to herself.

Seconds later, Sarah heard someone coming in the front door and entering the lobby. Her heart skipped a beat, hearing the sweeping sound of Kael’s cape. Then, a woman’s voice infiltrated her fantasy of greeting him with a long, tongue-looping kiss.

“You can’t be here,” she heard Kael whisper.

“And why would that be?” the woman responded.

It wasn’t the voice of anyone she recognized. The cadence was low, sweet bedroom talk.

“You are contributing to one big misunderstanding,” Kael sneered, his own voice lowering. “You are bringing the King in on this, do you understand?”

Sarah’s heart hammered up into her throat. The door of the laundry room wasn’t closed, so she snuck up to it and craned her head around the corner.

She saw Kael standing in his military garb, his hand grasped around the strange woman's forearm. The woman was insanely attractive, wearing a long velvet dress that hugged the vase-like curves of her body. She had long, satiny hair the color of the sea at night. They were speaking in hushed tones, and Sarah swore she could see a lustful smirk painted on the woman’s face.

Was this another woman Kael had been sleeping with before she had come? One that he had failed to inform her of?

“I think I understand,” the woman said, approaching him and laying her hands on his chest. “I think the issue here is that you don’t understand …”

Sarah’s heart was one large coal burning at the center of her chest. She’d had enough watching, so she stowed some bed linens into her arms and strode right out of the laundry room.

Both Kael and the woman were shocked to see her. The golden flicker of Kael’s eyes would have been magnificent if he didn’t look so fucking guilty.

“Oh, I'm sorry,” Sarah said, stopping to pop out a hip and regard them both. “Am I interrupting something?”

The woman had lips that were dark and erotic, like vintage wine. She opened them to say something when Kael took her by the shoulders and spun her around.

“No, you are not. Rosemary was just leaving.”

Rosemary continued to smile that conniving grin. It was the grin of a woman who always got what she wanted. A woman who knew how to twirl a man around her finger.

Kael slammed the door shut, leaning up against it with a grunt. When they caught each other’s eye, the grooves of his face softened.

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