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Then she falls asleep.



Ican talk to him.

I can really talk to him. Finally.

Lo’zar is just as kind and gentle with his words as he is with his body. When he holds me close so I can sleep, I feel warm and safe knowing Lo’zar has his gun and his sword with him. The beat of his heart right next to my cheek is steady and sure, and I immediately drift away.

It’s so cozy here that I’m reluctant to wake up again. When I open my eyes, Lo’zar is holding me while intently watching the tunnel where we entered. He takes his job very seriously.

Maybe you should sleep, too, I say to him, my voice jolting him out of his daze.

Lo’zar shakes his head.They could still come. They’re probably searching the whole pyramid for us.

Hasn’t it been hours now?I ask. He nods.I think they gave up.

Then we should leave,he responds.Before they come back.

I don’t feel so certain that we should. Here, I can talk to him. If we leave, will we lose it? Will I never be able to hear him again?

Not that I have any idea how we’ll get out of this valley, Lo’zar adds.I didn’t see any way up those cliffs we came down.

That is a problem.

You should still get a little rest, I tell him.Then we can figure out how to get out, now that we don’t have those deranged monsters breathing down our necks.

Lo’zar smiles at this. He lies back on the ground, still holding me against him, and positions my legs across his body so I’m using him like a bed. There’s a lump against my thigh where he’s getting a little thick under his pants. I imagine that big, purple-blue cock, which is now pressed up against me, and my skin feels warm everywhere Lo’zar and I are touching.

Sorry,he says, scratching the side of his nose in embarrassment.You’re just... hot.

And I’m lying on top of you, I add.

He smiles at that.Certainly doesn’t help.

But it’s turning me on, too, feeling his hard chest under my hands, his cock nudging me. There’s a warm seed of affection in my belly that’s steadily sprouting into something else as I become aware of the way our bodies are rubbing against one another. I want more of it, in more places. Now that I can hear him talk, I feel like I can finally know all of him, and I want to have him skin-on-skin.

It seems like it’s my turn to say something, to do something. Lo’zar would never touch me without asking, not unless I did it first. That’s just the kind of guy he seems to be. So I reach out and take his bejeweled fingers in mine, and his eyes dart down to my face inquisitively.

What is it, Rimi?he asks. I know I should let him sleep, but I find that I want to go even deeper, to pursue this peculiar new feeling that’s growing inside me.

I don’t know, I confess.I just wanted to hold your hand.That’s not all I’d like to put my hand on, but this feels safe for now.

That debonair grin of his reaches all the way to his eyes, pulling his tusks back.Is that so?He cups my fingers in his palm.You’re so small. I keep thinking that. How can anyone be so little?

Perks of being human,I say.And you’re very big.

I’m normal-size! For a troll.

I bat his arm playfully, and when I move, his insistent cock brushes against me again. There’s a warm buzzing under my skin, and instantly I remember what it looked like, hard and swollen up in the river. Lo’zar sucks in a breath, and I think belatedly that I’m not being very kind by rubbing all over him, so I slide off until we’re lying side-by-side on the stone floor of this great big room. He doesn’t let go of my hand.

Sorry,I say.

He quirks an eyebrow.For what?

For, you know, getting all up on you.
