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A goofy smile tilts up his mouth.I liked it.

My heart does a little skip, and I return the smile.I liked it, too.

Lo’zar gently turns over so he’s facing me, and raises his other hand to the side of my face. He traces a finger down from my brow to my chin. I want to look away because his gaze is so intense, but I find that I can’t. I’m sucked into the feeling of knowing him. I can almost sense the size and shape and color of his soul. But I can’t seem to hear all of his thoughts—and he only seems to hear mine if I’m not consciously hiding them. It’s as if we share a special world that only belongs to us.

He leans towards me, closing the six-inch gap between our faces, his mouth just a hair’s breadth away from mine and his tusks framing my face. I don’t need to hear what he’s thinking to know he wants to kiss me, so I brush the surface of his lips with my own, and in a split second his mouth is firmly on mine.

It’s awkward at first with our different shapes, but he’s insistent and passionate, bringing his hands up to my cheeks to draw me in closer. He opens my lips with his tongue, and I didn’t expect just how good it would feel to kiss him, to taste him, or how much it would make other parts of me want his touch, too. Tentatively I open my mouth for him, and with a suave maneuver that is very Lo’zar, his tongue slips inside, seeking out mine. Soon they’re playing together in the space between us and all it does is make me want more. I slide towards him along the hard stone floor until our bodies are pressed close together, and Lo’zar lets out a small groan into my mouth. He’s stiff as stone against my thigh, and it makes me feel even more beautiful and wanted and warm with desire for him.

There was a boy when I was seventeen who I liked a good deal. He was a stablehand who came down to the lake after he was finished with his work for the day, and his was the first penis I really saw up close. We had gotten naked in a copse of trees far from the grounds, deciding to explore each other’s bodies. But when it came time to do the deed he had pushed it inside me without very much warning. All I’d felt was discomfort, and an awkward throbbing feeling followed me between the legs for days afterwards. I didn’t invite him to the lake with me again.

Would Lo’zar feel in my hand like the stablehand did? How would he feel inside me?

That last thought sends a shudder of anticipation down my spine. It’s as if a bright string, vibrating with tension, now stretches between the place our mouths are touching and the warm core of my abdomen. Every movement of his tongue sends a ripple down it, until my hips are moving against his without my permission.

Rimi. Even Lo’zar’s mental voice feels thick and heady.Do you know what you’re doing to me?

The great thing about talking with your mind is you can keep kissing while you do it.

No, I don’t, I say, nipping at his lower lip. He grunts and his hand drops behind my neck to pull my head even closer.But I know what you’re doing to me.

And what’s that?His hips respond to each sway of mine, rubbing his significant boner against the space between my legs.

Turning me on, of course.

Lo’zar chuckles into my mouth, pleased.Oh, then we’re in the same boat.His hand travels from the nape of my neck to the small of my back. I marvel at the gentleness of his touch, this same troll who carried me over his shoulder through the jungle. But I can feel his urgency through it, too.

My desire is a flame, burning higher and brighter until it threatens to become a bonfire.

We’ve already seen each other naked, so a slow, tantalizing tease of removing clothes feels pointless. No, I want to see Lo’zar again like I did in the river, and this time I want to feel him, too. So I sit up and grab the hem of the tunic I stole out of the wagon, then pull it up over my head.

His eyes widen.Oh.

Do you want to stop?I ask. I don’t know where we’re headed yet, but I’m interested in embarking on the voyage anyway. As long as I’m with Lo’zar, I know nothing will happen that I don’t want to happen.

A shocked look comes over him.Please, don’t stop.I want to see you. And then I want to touch you.

Perfect, I say, abandoning the shirt on the floor. His eyes traverse me, wide and salivating.I want that, too.



Out of nowhere, my Rimi has started taking her clothes off for me. She’s turned on by me. She wants me to look at her and touch her and—

I can’t get ahead of myself. I have a golden opportunity here to finally experience her the way I’ve been wanting and I will not fuck it up.

When her shirt is off, I take in her round breasts with the generous pink-brown nipples, and my mouth waters. She’s still sitting up on her knees and so I join her, crossing my legs in front of me. Tentatively, I reach out and run my hand over one pert globe, tickling the nipple with my palm until it hardens up into a bead. Then I repeat the motion with her other breast, and soon Rimi is gasping and twitching under my hands.

After I’ve sufficiently attended to her that way, I slide her towards me and heft her into my lap, where she lets out a sound of surprise at my cock insistently nudging her between the legs. But I ignore it for now, and descend on her nipples with my mouth.

Oh, Lo’zar. The soft sound of her voice echoes in my head as she moans underneath me.That’s so good.I don’t know if she intends to be saying these words to me or if she’s just thinking them, but it’s profoundly erotic either way. I want to make her sing even more like this. She’s so responsive under my mouth, twitching and gasping as I nip and then soothe her nipples, that I could keep going forever. But there are more places I want to see, and things I want to do there to make her moan.

I pull away, and Rimi lets out a whine of disappointment. I reach down to take off my own tunic, and then holding her against me, lean forward to lay it on the stone floor. I lie her back on it and she goes without complaint, until she’s flat and gleaming under the purple light.

These need to go,I tell her, tugging on the laces of her pants. The trousers are so big I could probably slide them off without trying, but I want her to do it. A wicked grin crosses her face, and I’m delighted by this sweet, clever, enticing human woman. She undoes the laces and I pull the pants off, revealing soft hips, thighs grown too thin from too little food, and a curly patch of hair between her legs. That’s where I want to be. I want to drink her up and make her cry out my name.

I’m going to taste you,I say, sliding back so I’m crouching on my elbows above her hips.
