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My troll takes the necklace and gently slides it over my head himself, then lifts up my hair to settle it around my neck.

I don’t feel anything change, but Lo’zar and Graz gasp at the same time. When I look down at myself, I find big, blue, four-fingered hands where my pale, five-fingered ones used to be.

You’re...Lo’zar’s eyes are wide and boggled.You’re a trolless.

I flex my strange hands, and bring them up to my face. I still feel normal, though.

Graz talks with animation, gesturing while he does.

He designed his wish so it’s just an illusion,Lo’zar explains to me.If someone touches you, they will only find you underneath.

Got it. Don’t let anyone touch me.

He tilts his head at me.This is very disturbing, I won’t lie.

I shouldn’t feel so pleased at the look on his face, knowing that he’s only attracted to me and not to the lady troll I look like now. But then I stop my train of thought. No, I want him to be happy when I’m gone. He should be able to find love with someone of his own kind.

I look down at the necklace and run my hands over the odd little device. Now that this is done, we have no excuse to dally any longer. It’s time for me to go.

We agree to get on a boat tomorrow. Seeming to sense the solemn air that’s fallen on the room, Graz finds his way to his bed in the corner and says goodnight to us. We both thank him profusely, but he just waves us off.

He’s keeping the rest of the worms for himself, Lo’zar explains.

What’s he going to do with them?

Lo’zar shrugs.Hell if I know.

Once we’re inside the bedroom, Lo’zar hastily takes the necklace off of me. He breathes a sigh of relief when I’m back to myself again, and his hands travel from my cheeks down to my hips, as if he’s reminding himself what I really look like. Then he pulls me roughly against him.

Lo’zar?I ask. But he doesn’t say anything, just holds me hard and fast, as if he’ll never let me go. Still wrapped around me, he falls to the bed, and soon his hands are underneath my shirt, tracing every last inch of me. His touch is almost feverish, and his mouth descends on mine with a ravenous hunger.

I thought Graz asked us not to—

I don’t care.Lo’zar’s voice is surprisingly harsh.I want you. And I want you now.

I don’t object as he takes off my shirt and lavishes attention on my nipples. He plays with them harder than he ever has before, and I cringe under his hands. What’s gotten into my troll? Something about my strange transformation has unsettled him. He’s turned hard and serious, very unlike Lo’zar. When he kisses me, he nibbles my lips so forcefully that his sharp canines leave marks, and when his hand ducks into my pants, he finds my entrance and pushes a finger into me, even though I’m not very wet yet.

Please, I ask him quietly.Be gentle.

He freezes, and then he pulls his arm back harshly. His head drops to my chest, and when I touch his cheek, he’s trembling all over.

Lo’zar?I ask, growing concerned. While I run my hands through his hair, he buries his face deeper into me, like he wants to do anything but look at me.

I’m sorry, he says with nothing but misery in his voice.I’m so sorry.

It’s okay.Wrapping my arms around him, I lean down to kiss his head.What’s wrong?

Everything.But he doesn’t say more, and this time when he holds me, his arms are sweet and soft and loving. As he nuzzles my neck, he breathes in deeply, like he’s taking in the smell of me as much as he can. I hold him close, wishing I could make all of his pain go away, even though I’m the cause of it.

Lo’zar, I say, lifting his head.Will you be here with me? Please? While we still can?

He clutches me tight against himself.Always, he says.I will always be here with you.

His hands cover every inch of my body, tenderly cupping my soft curves, tasting me with just the tips of his fingers. Lo’zar’s breathing speeds up as I mold into his touch, letting myself fall into him. This time when he samples my breasts, he’s velvety and sensual. He scoots down so he can brush his tongue across each nipple, savoring them slowly, pausing to rest his forehead between them.

My princess, he says, and it’s not in his usual teasing tone. He kisses from my collar down my belly, pausing at the gap between my oversized pants and my hips. He slides my clothes down slowly, his lips trailing over each bit of exposed skin, until he has my legs up in his arms while he kisses my calf, my ankle, my toes. Then he returns to the soft place between my thighs and breathes gently on it.

Your scent is perfect,he says reverently, closing his eyes.I could just drink you in forever.
