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Unconsciously, I start to relax into it, letting my head droop forward while he reaches under the water and washes down my lower back and hips. He hesitates just above my butt, and then seems to decide to skip it and moves on to my legs. When he turns me around, he does the same with my breasts—avoiding them while he scrubs my chest and stomach.

I don’t realize that I’ve become putty in his huge hands until he withdraws them and stands up. Oh. I guess the bath is done now. Almost immediately, I miss the feel of him rubbing me down all over. But when I turn around in the water to thank him... his enormous, hard cock is right in my face.

My feet wheel in surprise. As I try to put some distance between us, my heel catches on a rock I can’t see, and I tumble backwards into the river. With my hands tied up, I can’t catch myself or fight my way back to the surface. The water closes around my face, then my nose. I let out a panicked yelp that only gets swallowed up.

Above me, I hear Lo’zar shout something, but it’s muffled. There’s a dark shape moving through the water,fast. Before I can even try to get my feet under me, a huge mouth opens and flat, white teeth shine out from inside.

Suddenly, the rope tied around my arms jerks me back, and I’m yanked away from the monster’s jaw right as it closes—ripping out some of my hair. It’s Lo’zar hauling me up with him, out of the reach of a massive creature with shining brown skin and, admittedly, adorable little ears. The huge beast lets out a bellow, and starts to charge us.

While I gag and cough from the water I swallowed, Lo’zar tucks me under one arm and leaps out of the river. As our attacker clambers up the riverbank, Lo’zar scrambles to get to our pile of clothes, still holding me tight against him. Once more that mighty maw opens, and I scream as the monster charges us. Lo’zar sweeps up his gun, spins around, and fires.

BANG!The shot is deafening. The bullet meets the creature’s head, splattering us with blood. It slows, legs crumpling underneath it, and falls to the ground in front of us in one big heap.

I’m panting as Lo’zar lowers the gun. That’s when I realize we’re pressed against each other, naked and breathing hard. Water drips down Lo’zar’s sculpted chest, running in rivulets all the way to his groin. My nipples are puckered from the cold air and the feel of his skin on mine. I try not to look down, but I can’t help myself.

His cock is even bigger now, thick and full and darker than the rest of his skin, with big veins branching their way up the shaft. Just looking at it, seeing how full with need it is, sends a sudden shock down into my hips. I can feel the entire length of it against my belly.

Quickly Lo’zar steps back and covers himself, trying to push it down with one arm the way someone might wrangle an unruly pet. He laughs awkwardly, and I remember that I, too, am standing there with my breasts exposed for the whole world to see. I turn away and cover myself with my tied arms. As he puts his pants back on, Lo’zar’s face turns a deep purple.

“Ag yazik,Ree-mee?” he asks me, tilting his head. I think he’s concerned about me.

I gape at him, then at the beast he just felled. “I’m okay,” I answer. I dust off my arms like this was nothing. “Just fine.”

With a charismatic smile, Lo’zar nods in approval. Then he notes the blood now covering both of us.

Time to wash off again.

When he leads me back to the cage I’m still completely naked. Once I’m behind bars, Lo’zar tosses me his long tunic, and I think he wants me to put it on. I slide it over my arms and find it carries the same warm, homey smell as the blankets. This must be Lo’zar’s smell, the odd trollkin who saved my life.

I think then that I like it.

* * *


Well, damn. That was embarrassing.

I curse at my cock again for being so lewd at exactly the wrong moment. I don’t need this little human to be any more afraid of me than she already is. But she didn’t recoil, like I expected. In fact, she seemed fascinated by it, and that only turned me on more.

Now she’s sitting inside her cage, as clean as I could get her without soap and dressed in my long shirt. I have an extra just so I’m not wearing the same thing for days on end, but Drozeg gives me a funny look when I slip the spare on over my bare chest.

“Enjoy your bath?” Kugara asks with a little flint in her eyes. “I heard a gunshot.”

“It was kind of a pain.” I wave a hand dismissively. “I had to off a hippo.”

She looks satisfied by this answer. “Now that you’re all done, we’d better get going. Our buyer is expecting us.”

I take up my position in the back of the wagon near Ree-mee’s cage as we return to the road and start moving again. The tiny human huddles inside my clothes, practically swimming in fabric, her wet hair dripping down the front where it softens the cloth and makes it stick to her nipples. Help me, it’s practically see-through. Though she doesn’t look up, there’s a smile lingering on her face. I’m glad I could put it there when she has so little else.

We continue on in silence, which quickly grows dreary and boring. I twiddle my thumbs. I find a spare edge of twine and twirl it in my fingers, tying it and then untying it again. I tap the empty crate with a fist in a regular rhythm, remembering the drums that the older trolls often played around the fire pit when I was young. Anything to fill the endless time. I know that my impatience is one of my less redeeming qualities, but I can’t help feeling restless while we draw closer and closer to the end.

Everything about this feels ugly and wrong.

Suddenly, something nudges my wrist. It’s Ree-mee, crouched at the front of her cage, the collar of my tunic swooping low over her chest. I can see straight down it, right through her cleavage, so I quickly bring my eyes back to her inquisitive face.

She taps her finger once on a crate, then twice. Afterwards she falls still and waits, watching me intently.

Not sure what she’s expecting, I decide to imitate her tap. Once, then twice, then nothing. A smile lifts the sides of her small mouth. I satisfied her, whatever it was she was after.

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