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Is that what I’m after? Yes. I want her to trust me, to know I’m not like Kugara and Drozeg. I want to deserve that from her. So I crouch down and look up into her eyes.

“Ree-mee?” I say, testing it out. She gives a slight nod, her brow still furrowed. “I’m not going to hurt you. All right?” First I pull out my sword, and she cringes, but I drop it to the ground. My gun goes next. I hold out my open hands, showing her I mean her no harm. The creases in her face soften, and I think I’m getting through. I gesture behind us, off into the jungle. “I promise you’ll be happier after a bath.”

Finally, after a quick glance back at the wagon, she nods. At least she’s out of her cage for a while. I get back to my feet and this time, she follows along dutifully, and I feel a surge of pride. For good measure, though, I pick my gun back up when she’s not looking and slip it into my pants.

If I’ve learned anything in my life scrounging in back alleyways, it’s that you should always have a back-up plan.

We press through trees and undergrowth, in the direction that Kugara told me I could find the river. Then, sure enough, it appears. Vines hang down to the surface, and I catch sight of an animal’s head as it slides under the water. I’ll have to be careful the little human doesn’t get eaten.

Once we’re at the riverside, I realize that her hands are bound, and I’ll have to take her clothes off myself. But when I approach, she takes a wary step back.

“You’re going to bathe,” I tell her, pointing at the water. Her eyes widen a little. “Bathe. Not drown.”

I hold onto her rope and try to peel her torn rag of a shirt off, but she starts to wriggle and squirm away from me. This is going to be impossible, especially with the rope around her arms. Why did I think this was a good idea again?

It’s not like she’s got much clothing left to speak of. Her breasts are barely covered, and she’s got only one sleeve left. Her pants are torn up to the thigh. I wonder if any of my clothes would fit her, but remember I’m twice her size.

Oh well. That’s the best she’s going to get. These rags are just as filthy as her body, and there’s no point getting her clean just to put them back on and dirty her again.

I pull her against me so she can’t squirm free, and lean down to rip through her shirt. She screeches and tries to jerk back, but I don’t let her go until I’ve torn it all the way off. Then I grab her shredded pants and do the same thing, splitting them at the seam. She wriggles and fights and claws, but it has to be done.

Finally, she’s naked in front of me, and she’s desperately trying to cross her arms over her chest. I have to admit that she’s gorgeous, with little round breasts, a narrow waist, and rounded hips. Her skin is like elephant ivory.

I realize that since I’m the one holding her rope, I’m going to have to get in with her. I take off my own shirt and drop it to the ground. Her eyes widen as I unbuckle and pull down my pants. Unfortunately, I’m starting to respond to her body, so I turn around and get into the water as fast as I can.

Ree-mee lets out a yelp as I wrap my big hands around her sides and plop her into the river next to me. She splashes, trying to get away, so I let her go while keeping her rope tied around my wrist.

“See?” I say, running my hand down my chest in the water, imitating my bathing gesture from before. “Wash.”

She finally gets the message. Relief spreads across her face, and I hate to think what she feared. She hastily ducks under the water to get her hair wet, but when she reaches up to clean it, she finds her hands tied.

Shit. I’m going to have to do this for her, aren’t I?



The big lunk was trying to tell me to bathe. Oh, how I wish I could understand him, and he could understand me. That would save us both so much headache. And then maybe I could convince him to let me go.

Still, he didn’t have to tear all my clothes off that way. I’d been certain something much worse was going to happen than tossing me in the river, especially when I saw that surprisingly large, purple-blue penis hanging between Lo’zar’s sculpted legs. It had started to get thick and swollen before he hopped into the water and pulled me in along with him, and I wondered if he meant to use it on me.

But, no, not Lo’zar. Again he mimics bathing, which is really one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life. I’d thought my prison guard was all big, long arms and legs until I see him naked. I’m fascinated by his chest, filled out with lean muscle, his abdomen divided up into neat, powerful squares. I’ve seen one or two human men naked, but never someone with Lo’zar’s body. He has a sleek line that runs from his hips down to his groin.

I shouldn’t be thinking about any of this. All I want is to wash my hair, so I duck under the water to get it wet. But when I reach back to clean it, I find my hands are still bound with rope.

I’m going to need some help.

Lo’zar has crouched in the water so I can’t see below his waist. He swims towards me and holds out his hands in a non-threatening gesture, then mimes washing his hair.

Oh. He’s going to do it for me.

I don’t have much choice, so I turn around and lie back, carefully keeping my breasts below the surface. Then I feel his big hands lift my hair, and he runs his four fingers through it to get the tangles out. I’m surprised at how gentle he is for being such a big creature, and he doesn’t tear any out as he washes. I sink into his hands as the sensation of someone touching me with such gentleness lulls my eyes closed.

That’s when I feel him against my back—just a soft press right where that big, blue cock would be.

He’s turned on by this. By me.

I should be frightened. It’s just the two of us here, naked in a river. Me and a big, frightening trollkin, and he’s washing my hair with the tip of his cock prodding me. I should worry about where this is going to lead, but he doesn’t do anything untoward, and even tries to adjust so he’s not touching me. I hear him mutter something in his guttural language, like he’s chastising himself, as he continues washing my hair. Then his hands move down to my shoulders, my arms, and my back, making sure to scrub the grime and filth off of every inch of my skin, using one of my rags as a washcloth.
