Page 22 of All of You

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“You don’t know what you’re saying,” Rose spoke.

“I know everything I need to know. I know that I can’t stop thinking of you. I can’t imagine not having you in my arms. The idea of not seeing you every morning from this point forward physically causes me pain.” Rose let out a short, nervous laugh with his words before she shook her head.

“I can’t give you everything you want.” Martin shook his head at her comment.

“As long as I have you, I have everything I want.” He replied.

“You say that, but I can’t give it to you when you want more.” She paused as tears fell down her cheeks. “I will be the one devastated.”

“I have spent the last month making sure I was the man that deserved you. Taking responsibility for everything I’ve done, any harm I’ve caused anyone. I know I can’t do that with you.” He stated.

“I know you will never fully trust me, and I accept that. But I promise if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life working toward that. Make sure you know you’re the most beautiful woman in my world daily. You would be my world.”

Martin paused. Rose lowered her head as Martin hurried to her, dropping the flowers on the wooden ground. He placed his hands on her neck, her watery gaze lifted to his. “You don’t know…” Rose shook her head and lowered her gaze.

“I know everything.” Their eyes reconnected. “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is you and me.” Rose rested her hands on his wrist, closing her eyes as he leaned forward, his forehead pressed softly against hers. “Let me in.” He whispered.

They stood in silence for minutes before Rose lifted her head. Martin grew scared; had it been not enough? Was it too late? He lowered his arms to his side and stepped back as he prepared for her to send him away. He could hear the sighs from the gathered neighbors as though they knew what he realized. Martin could not blame her; he had woken up too late, which was his punishment.

“Yes.” Rose softly spoke, and Martin’s eyes snapped back onto her.

“Yes?” He asked, had he just imagined her saying that? Rose nodded her head with a slight smile. Martin closed the gap between them without hesitation, his arms wrapped tightly around her. Rose moved her arms around his broad shoulders, resting her head on his chest as he held her with the strongest, most protective hold he could. The small area erupted in applause.

Everything had gone the way he wanted, the way he hoped. Rose hadn’t just accepted his promise, but she accepted him. Martin had lived a life many people would kill to have, and though he thought he had everything, it wasn’t until he reunited with Rose that he realized he had not lived. He had nothing. Her smile alone warmed his soul. Her laugh filled him with a happiness he never imagined existed. He had never been a man who believed in true love, soul mates, yet with her, that changed. So quickly, she captivated him and made him want to be better. She opened his eyes and heart.

After everyone left, Martin and Rose spent their first night together, not in the throes of passion, yet there was passion between them. He caressed her cheek and held her in his arms, his fingers gliding lightly down her arm.

Her head rested on his bare chest, and for a second, he looked down at her hand flat over his heart, and he felt a love unlike anything. He prayed that night for the first time since he was a young boy. Thankful that he had been given the chance to see who she was, he had been sent to the bakery that day. He asked for strength to be everything she needed, everything she desired. He would protect, love, and cherish her until his last breath.

It took Martin well over an hour to find sleep after she had. Unable to stop himself from watching her. He had fallen in love with the one woman he never thought he would see in such a way. The idea of not having her in his life was no longer an option. He knew people would be confused about their relationship, how it started, and how fast he fell, but he was ready. Rose Denton would never see another day of sadness, he swore to himself.

* * *

Just before the sun rose, Martin woke, his head lifted as his gaze fell on his bare chest. He looked to the opposite side of the bed; there was no Rose. A sense of worry filled him. Did she leave? Had she regretted letting him in? Martin stood from the bed, and with a swift move, he made his way into the dark living room. The house was silent, calm, and peaceful.

He entered the house's entry and glanced at the empty kitchen. With a smooth stride, Martin looked out the front window, a short grin pulled to his lips as he saw her sitting on her porch bench.

Grabbing a blanket from the couch, Martin moved outside and behind her, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders. Then he heard her sniffle; confusion filled him as he glided around her, pulling the cover over her arms and chest. He lowered to a squat before her, his hands resting flat against her knees, his expression filled with concern. What had happened to make her cry? Had she regretted them being together? He prepared for her to tell him to leave, though he didn’t know if he could.

“Rose, what’s wrong?” He asked with a soft tone.

“I’m so confused.” She admitted.

Martin lowered to one of his knees, his hand lifted to wipe a tear from her cheek. “About what?” He asked lovingly.

Rose lifted her hand, wrapping it around his wrist as he lowered it to her lap. “How are you here?” She asked, their gazes connected. “How is the most popular guy in our school, here, with me, shirtless and in my bed?” Martin’s lips pulled to a sideways grin, Rose with a soft smile.

“I’m where I belong.” He answered.

“You dated cheerleaders, prom queens. Who am I?” Did she truly not understand how amazing she was? The thought made him sad, angry, disappointed in himself and the world. How could anyone who has met her not see how amazing she is?


Rose shook her head, bringing Martin’s words to a stop. “What happens when I can’t give you the baby you want? You can’t say you won’t ever want one.” Martin exhaled and licked his lips before he replied.

“I can’t say I never will, no.” Rose lowered her head with his confession. Martin pressed his finger under her chin and lifted her watery gaze back to his. “But, when we are ready, we will deal with it together. As long as I have you, I’ve finally got a true queen.”

“I couldn’t handle another heartbreak,” Rose admitted.
